Commonly Abused Drugs

Commonly Abused Drugs

Steroids (Anabolic)

Man-made substances used to treat conditions caused by low levels of steroid hormones in the body and abused to enhance athletic and sexual performance and physical appearance.

Street Names Commercial Names Common Forms Common Ways Taken DEA Schedule
Juice, Gym Candy, Pumpers, Roids Nandrolone (Oxandrin®), oxandrolone (Anadrol®), oxymetholone (Winstrol®), stanozolol (Durabolin®), testosterone cypionate (Depo-testosterone®) Tablet, capsule, liquid drops, gel, cream, patch, injectable solution Injected, swallowed, applied to skin III

Possible Health Effects
Short-term Headache, acne, fluid retention (especially in the hands and feet), oily skin, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, infection at the injection site.
Long-term Kidney damage or failure; liver damage; high blood pressure, enlarged heart, or changes in cholesterol leading to increased risk of stroke or heart attack, even in young people; aggression; extreme mood swings; anger ("roid rage"); paranoid jealousy; extreme irritability; delusions; impaired judgment.
Other Health-related Issues Males: shrunken testicles, lowered sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, increased risk for prostate cancer. 

Females: Facial hair, male-pattern baldness, menstrual cycle changes, enlargement of the clitoris, deepened voice.

Adolescents: Stunted growth.

Risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases from shared needles.
In Combination with Alcohol Increased risk of violent behavior.
Withdrawal Symptoms Mood swings; tiredness; restlessness; loss of appetite; insomnia; lowered sex drive; depression, sometimes leading to suicide attempts.
Treatment options
Medications Hormone therapy
Behavioral Therapies More research is needed to find out if behavioral therapies can be used to treat steroid addiction.