More Complex Argument Structures



    1. There is nothing wrong with consensual sexual and economic relations between adults.
    2. There is no difference between a man paying directly for sex and a man taking a woman on a blind date, paying for it, and then having sex with her.
    3. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with prostitution. (from 1, 2 independently)

    1. Multiple surveys done with prostitutes show that a high percentage of them report having been sexually abused as children.
    2. Therefore, prostitution involves women who were typically abused as children. (from 1)
    3. Therefore, prostitution is wrong. (from 2)

    1. There was warm water in the cabin's tea kettle.
    2. There was wood still smoldering in the fireplace.
    3. Therefore, someone was in this cabin recently. (from 1-2)
    4. Tim has been with me the whole time.
    5. Therefore, the person in the cabin couldn't have been Tim. (from 3-4)
    6. Therefore, there is someone else in these woods. (from 6)

    1. Marla Runyan ran in the Sydney 2000 Olympics when she was blind.
    2. Therefore, it is possible to be blind and yet run in the Olympics. (from1)

    1. The bridge was out.
    2. Therefore, the train had to take a longer, alternate route. (from 1)
    3. Therefore, the train was late. (from 2)

    1. Iran has threatened to destroy Israel multiple times.
    2. If Iran had a nuclear missile, it could destroy Israel.
    3. Therefore, if Iran had a nuclear missile, Israel is not safe. (from 1-2) Answers to exercises 211
    4. Iran has been developing enriched uranium.
    5. Enriched uranium is the most difficult part of the process of building a nuclear weapon - every other part of the process is easy compared to that.
    6. Therefore, Israel is not safe. (from 3-5)

    1. All professional hockey players are missing front teeth.
    2. Martin is a professional hockey player.
    3. Therefore, Martin is missing his front teeth. (from 1-2)
    4. Almost all professional athletes who are missing their front teeth have false teeth.
    5. Therefore, Martin probably has false teeth. (from 3-4)

    1. Every time I have eaten crab Rangoon at China Food restaurant, I have had stomach troubles afterward.
    2. Therefore, probably anyone who eats crab Rangoon at China Food restaurant will have stomach troubles afterward. (from 1)
    3. Bob ate the crab Rangoon at China Food restaurant.
    4. Therefore, Bob will probably have stomach troubles afterward. (from 2-3)

    1. Albert and Caroline like to run together.
    2. Albert never runs without Caroline.
    3. Therefore, any time Albert is running, so is Caroline. (from 1-2)
    4. Albert is panting hard.
    5. Therefore, Albert looks like he has just run (from 4)
    6. Therefore, Caroline has probably just ran as well. (from 3, 5)

    1. Jeremy's prints would be expected to be on his own gun.
    2. Someone could have stolen Jeremy's gun and used it to kill Tim.
    3. Therefore, just because Jeremy's prints were on the gun that killed Tim and the gun was registered