Types of Data Sources

Primary Research

Primary research is usually defined as research you collect yourself.

This type of research is done to fill in gaps found during secondary research review. That is, one does not conduct primary research if you can address your research question with already existing secondary sources.

Think back to Martha's case we discussed earlier in this module; her interviews of homeless people in downtown Chicago are primary research. She is doing these interviews only because her existing secondary sources lack something she feels she needs now to properly answer her research question (about the current experience of homeless families in downtown Chicago). Primary research is used to supplement gaps in more accessible secondary research.

Purdue University's Online Writing Lab describes the following as typical primary research:

  • Interviews: Interviews are conversations, typically in small groups, where one party asks questions of another. Interviews are usually conducted in-person, between two people (the person asking questions and the person answering them); however, these can also take place over the phone, and may involve multiple parties.
  • Surveys: Surveys are typically written documents that are sent out to individuals to fill out. Surveys are more rigid than interviews, as an interviewer can change their planned questions based on the subject's responses. Surveys, however are pre-written and can only respond in limited anticipated ways.
  • Observations: Observations are just what they sound like: the researcher watches something and records what they see. It is important to avoid influencing whatever you're watching. However, if it's impossible to not influence your subject, make sure to include the fact that your presence may have influenced your observations.
  • Analysis: In analysis, gathered data is examined and organized so those who are less familiar with technical details can be guided through the data. Analysis can also help uncover patterns and trends in data.