Reading Informational Text

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: ESL001: Elementary English as a Second Language
Book: Reading Informational Text
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Date: Monday, October 21, 2024, 10:59 PM


For these two activities, use active reading strategies to understand the text and answer the questions.

Which Pet is Right for You?

Now that you know basic active reading strategies, let's see if we can easily use them to understand a simple informational text.


For these two activities, use active reading strategies to understand the text and answer the questions.

  1. When picking the perfect pet, it is important to keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of animal. According to a recent survey of pet owners, the three most popular pets are dogs, cats, and freshwater fish. There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of pet.

Which Pet is Right for You?

Picture 1

  1. Dogs are the most popular pet. Dog owners report that dogs are wonderful companions. They are loyal and provide comfort to their owners. Dogs can also learn to perform tricks. Although dogs have many wonderful traits, there are disadvantages to dog ownership for some people. Dogs need exercise. This can be difficult if you live in a home without a yard. In addition, dogs need a lot of attention. If you don't have a lot of free time, a dog is probably not right for you. Another disadvantage is that dogs can be expensive. Visits to the vet, a dog's supplies, and grooming trips can break the bank. A pet survey had the following breakdown of average dog expenses:
Average Yearly Dog Expenses

Vet visits $212
Food $259
Groomer $73
Toys $48
Total $592

Our Feline Friends

Picture 2

  1. Cats are the second most popular pet. Cat owners like cats because they can take care of themselves. Unlike dogs, they don't need as much daily outside exercise. While most cats aren't taught to do tricks, they can be taught to use a litter box. That way, owners don't have to be bothered to take them outside to use the bathroom. Cats can also groom themselves. Dog owners often say that cats don't show affection like dogs, but many cat owners disagree. Many cats like to be petted, and make a sweet purr when they are happy. Similar to dogs, the cost of owning a cat can add up quickly.
Average Yearly Cat Expenses

Expense Cost
Vet visits $160
Food $228    
Toys $31
Total $462

Our Aquatic Friends

Picture 3

  1. Freshwater fish are the third most popular pet. Fish can be kept in the smallest of homes. They are also easy to take care of. Freshwater fish just need clean water and food. Fish are especially good pets for people who are busy. Dog and cat owners might say that fish are boring and that they don't show love and affection. It may not appear that way, but fish can be very entertaining. Fish owners enjoy watching fish swim around their tanks. Fish are also inexpensive pets.
  2. Dogs, cats, and fish are all excellent choices for pets. Each offers unique experiences to pet owners. Just keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages of each type of animal when you choose your pet.

Practice question

Below is a list of some of the sections in the passage, and a description of each section - but they're mixed up in the wrong order!

Source: Khan Academy,
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We Need a Hero

A statue of the superhero El Santo in Tulancingo, Mexico

  1. Americans living in the 1930s had it pretty rough. The country was in the midst of the Great Depression. Many people were unemployed, and things looked bleak. It's no wonder that people began to dream about a hero to help. In 1936, the first American superhero, the Phantom, was born. In the following years, many of the most well-known American superheroes were created. Superman (1938), Batman (1939), Captain Marvel (1939), and Wonder Woman (1941) soon arrived, ready to fight crime and lift spirits. But the need for a hero wasn't specific to America. Superheroes have shown up in many countries through the years.

Nelvana of the Northern Lights (Canada, 1941)

  1. Nelvana of the Northern Lights was Canada's first superhero. Part goddess and part human, she used many powers in her fight against evil. She battled against both human and non-human threats, including everything from space invaders to Nazis. Nelvana used flight, invisibility, shape-shifting, and heat vision in her quest to defend the land.

El Santo (Mexico, 1942)

  1. Unlike most superheroes, El Santo began as an actual person. He started his career as a masked wrestler (called a luchador) in Mexico during the 1940s. People were wild about him! He became so popular that artists and movie producers wanted to maximize his potential. Soon, El Santo was appearing in comic books and movies, fighting off everything from criminals to zombies using his strength and wrestling skills.

Ultraman (Japan, 1966)

  1. Similar to Superman, Ultraman came from another planet. But Ultraman didn't fight criminals. Instead, he battled monstrous animals, evil aliens, or underground creatures. His character was part of a specific genre (or style of movies) in Japan: in the 1950s and 1960s, Japan had a "Kaiju Boom." Kaiju means "strange creature" in Japanese. During this time, most Japanese movies were about huge monsters (such as Godzilla) putting cities in danger. Ultraman was the noble superhero who was created to save people from those hostile threats.

Burka Avenger (Pakistan, 2013)

  1. This modern-day hero turns everything you think about superheroes upside down. Burka Avenger's fight is centered on female education, and she uses a burqa (a traditional body covering worn by some women in Pakistan) to hide her identity during her superhero missions. She doesn't use muscle or supernatural power: instead, Burka Avenger practices a martial art that involves throwing books and pens as weapons. This matches the show's message that education is a powerful tool. Burka Avenger's creator, Haroon, says he wanted young fans to see that "the pen is mightier than the sword".
  2. People all over the world look to superheroes in times of crisis. Whether the attacker is alien, human, or monster, there's always a superhero ready to help!