Relationships in Truth Statements

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: PHIL102: Introduction to Critical Thinking and Logic
Book: Relationships in Truth Statements
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Read these sections to learn more about relationships among truth statements and using and constructing logical proofs.

These sections review materially equivalent propositions and three other relationships among statements: tautological, contradictory, and contingent relationships. They also review the eight valid forms of inference: modus ponens, modus tollens, hypothetical syllogism, simplification, conjunction, disjunctive syllogism, addition, and constructive dilemma. They show how to construct proofs, including strategies for working forward or backward, depending on which is easier according to your premises. Finally, they summarize everything you have learned about sentential and propositional logic.

Complete the exercises as you study, then check your answers against the key.

Material equivalence

As we saw in the last section, two different symbolic sentences can translate the same English sentence. In the last section I claimed that "~S ⊃ R" and "S v R" are equivalent. More precisely, they are equivalent ways of capturing the truth- functional relationship between propositions. Two propositions are materially equivalent if and only if they have the same truth value for every assignment of truth values to the atomic propositions. That is, they have the same truth values on every row of a truth table. The truth table below demonstrates that "~S ⊃ R" and "S v R" are materially equivalent.

R S ~S ⊃ R S v R
T T F    T
T F T    T
F T F    T
F F T    F

If you look at the truth values under the main operators of each sentence, you can see that their truth values are identical on every row. That means the two statements are materially equivalent and can be used interchangeably, as far as propositional logic goes.

Let’s demonstrate material equivalence with another example. We have seen that we can translate "neither nor" statements as a conjunction of two negations. So, a statement of the form, "neither p nor q" can be translated:

~p ⋅ ~q

But another way of translating statements of this form is as a negation of a disjunction, like this:

~(p v q)

We can prove these two statements are materially equivalent with a truth table (below).

p q ~p ⋅ ~q ~(p v q)
T T F    F    F
F    T
T F F    F    T
F    T
F T T    F    F
F    T
F F T    T    T
T    F

Again, as you can see from the truth table, the truth values under the main operators of each sentence are identical on every row (i.e., for every assignment of truth values to the atomic propositions).

In fact, there is a fifth truth functional connective called "material equivalence" or the "biconditional" that is defined as true when the atomic propositions share the same truth value, and false when the truth values different. Although we will not be relying on the biconditional, I provide the truth table for it below. The biconditional is represented using the symbol "≡" which is called a "tribar".

p q p ≡ q

Some common ways of expressing the biconditional in English are with the phrases "if and only if" and "just in case". If you have been paying close attention (or do from now on out) you will see me use the phrase "if and only if" often. It is most commonly used when one is giving a definition, such as the definition of validity and also in defining the "material equivalence" in this very section. It makes sense that the biconditional would be used in this way since when we define something we are laying down an equivalent way of saying it.

Source: Matthew J. Van Cleave
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Construct a truth table to determine whether the following pairs of statements are materially equivalent.

  1. A ⊃ B and ~A v B
  2. ~(A ⋅ B) and ~A v ~B
  3. A ⊃ B and ~B ⊃ ~A
  4. A v ~B and B ⊃ A
  5. B ⊃ A and A ⊃ B
  6. ~(A ⊃ B) and A ⋅ ~B
  7. A v B and ~A ⋅ ~B
  8. A v (B ⋅ C) and (A v B) ⋅ (A v C)
  9.  (A v B) ⋅ C and A v (B ⋅ C)
  10. ~(A v B) and ~A v B


  1. Equivalent
  2. Equivalent
  3. Equivalent
  4. Equivalent
  5. Not equivalent
  6. Equivalent
  7. Not equivalent
  8. Equivalent
  9. Not equivalent
  10. Not equivalent

Tautologies, contradictions and contingent statements

Can you think of a statement that could never be false? How about a statement that could never be true? It is harder than you think, unless you know how to utilize the truth functional operators to construct a tautology or a contradiction. A tautology is a statement that is true in virtue of its form. Thus, we don't even have to know what the statement means to know that it is true. In contrast, a contradiction is a statement that is false in virtue of its form. Finally, a contingent statement is a statement whose truth depends on the way the world actually is. Thus, it is a statement that could be either true or false - it just depends on what the facts actually are. In contrast, there is an important sense in which the truth of a tautology or the falsity of a contradiction doesn't depend on how the world is. As philosophers would say, tautologies are true in every possible world, whereas contradictions are false in every possible world. Consider a statement like:

Matt is either 40 years old or not 40 years old.

That statement is a tautology, and it has a particular form, which can be represented symbolically like this:

p v ~p

In contrast, consider a statement like:

Matt is both 40 years old and not 40 years old.

That statement is a contradiction, and it has a particular form, which can be represented symbolically like this:

p ⋅ ~p

Finally, consider a statement like:

Matt is either 39 years old or 40 years old

That statement is a contingent statement. It doesn't have to be true (as tautologies do) or false (as contradictions do). Instead, its truth depends on the way the world is. Suppose that Matt is 39 years old. In that case, the statement is true. But suppose he is 37 years old. In that case, the statement is false (since he is neither 39 or 40). We can use truth tables to determine whether a statement is a tautology, contradiction or contingent statement. In a tautology, the truth table will be such that every row of the truth table under the main operator will be true. In a contradiction, the truth table will be such that every row of the truth table under the main operator will be false. And contingent statements will be such that there is mixture of true and false under the main operator of the statement.

The following two truth tables are examples of tautologies and contradictions, respectively.

A B (A ⊃ B) v A
T T T     T
T F F     T
F T T     T
F F T     T

A B (A ⊃ B) v A
T T T    F    F    F    F
T F T    F    F    F    T
F T T    F    T    F    F
F F F    F    T    F    T

Notice that in the second truth table, I had to do quite a lot of work before I could figure out what the truth values of the main operator were. I had to first determine the left conjunct (A v B) and then the right conjunct (~A ⋅ ~B), but in order to figure out the truth values of the right conjunct (which is itself a conjunct), I had to determine the negations of A and B. Constructing truth tables can sometimes be a chore, but once you understand what you are doing (and why), it certainly isn't very difficult.


Construct a truth table to determine whether the following statements are tautologies, contradictions or contingent statements.

  1. A ⊃ (A ⋅ B)
  2. (A ⋅ B) ⊃ (~A ⊃ ~B)
  3. (A ⋅ ~A) ⊃ B
  4. (A ⊃ A) ⊃ (B ⋅ ~B)
  5. (A ⋅ B) ⊃ (A v B)
  6. (A v B) ⊃ (A ⋅ B)
  7. (~A ⊃ ~B) ⊃ (~B ⊃ ~A)
  8. (A ⊃ B) ⊃ (~B ⊃ ~A)
  9. (B v ~B) ⊃ A
  10. (A v B) v ~A


  1. Contingent

    A B A ⊃ (A ⋅ B)
    T T T     T
    T F F     F
    F T T     F
    F F T     F

  2. Tautology

    A B (A ⋅ B) ⊃ (~A ⊃ ~B)
    T T T     T    T
    T F F     T    T
    F T F     T    F
    F F F     T    T

  3. Tautology

    A B (A ⋅ ~A) ⊃ B
    T T F    T     T
    T F F    T     F
    F T F     T    T
    F F F     T    F

  4. Contingent

    A B (A ⊃ A) ⊃ (B ⋅ ~B)
    T T T     F    F
    T F T     F    F
    F T T     F    F
    F F T     F    F

  5. Tautology

    A B (A ⋅ B) ⊃ (A v B)
    T T T     T     T
    T F F     T     T
    F T F     T     T
    F F F     T     F

  6. Contingent

    A B (A v B) ⊃ (A ⋅ B)
    T T T     T     T
    T F T     F     F
    F T T     F     F
    F F F     T     F

  7. Contingent

    A B (~A ⊃ ~B) ⊃ (~B ⊃ ~A)
    T T T     T     T
    T F F     F     F
    F T F     T     T
    F F T     T     T

  8. Tautology

    A B (A ⊃ B) ⊃ (~B ⊃ ~A)
    T T T     T     T
    T F F     T     F
    F T T     T     T
    F F T     T     T

  9. Contingent

    A B (B v ~B) ⊃ A
    T T T     T
    T F T     T
    F T T     F
    F F T     F

  10. Tautology

    A B (A v B) v ~A
    T T T     T     F
    T F T     T     F
    F T T     T     T
    F F F     T     T

Proofs and the 8 valid forms of inference

Although truth tables are our only formal method of deciding whether an argument is valid or invalid in propositional logic, there is another formal method of proving that an argument is valid: the method of proof. Although you cannot construct a proof to show that an argument is invalid, you can construct proofs to show that an argument is valid. The reason proofs are helpful, is that they allow us to show that certain arguments are valid much more efficiently than do truth tables. For example, consider the following argument:

  1. (R v S) ⊃ (T ⊃ K)
  2. ~K
  3. R v S /∴ ~T

(Note: in this section I will be writing the conclusion of the argument to the right of the last premise - in this case premise 3. As before, the conclusion we are trying to derive is denoted by the "therefore" sign, "∴".) We could attempt to prove this argument is valid with a truth table, but the truth table would be 16 rows long because there are four different atomic propositions that occur in this argument, R, S, T, and K. If there were 5 or 6 different atomic propositions, the truth table would be 32 or 64 lines long! However, as we will soon see, we could also prove this argument is valid with only two additional lines. That seems a much more efficient way of establishing that this argument is valid. We will do this a little later - after we have introduced the 8 valid forms of inference that you will need in order to do proofs. Each line of the proof will be justified by citing one of these rules, with the last line of the proof being the conclusion that we are trying to ultimately establish. I will introduce the 8 valid forms of inference in groups, starting with the rules that utilize the horseshoe and negation.

The first of the 8 forms of inference is "modus ponens" which is Latin for "way that affirms". Modus ponens has the following form:

  1. p ⊃ q
  2. p
  3. ∴ q

What this form says, in words, is that if we have asserted a conditional statement (p ⊃ q) and we have also asserted the antecedent of that conditional statement (p), then we are entitled to infer the consequent of that conditional statement (q). For example, if I asserted the conditional, "if it is raining, then the ground is wet" and I also asserted "it is raining" (the antecedent of that conditional) then I (or anyone else, for that matter) am entitled to assert the consequent of the conditional, "the ground is wet".

As with any valid forms of inference in this section, we can prove that modus ponens is valid by constructing a truth table. As you see from the truth table below, this argument form passes the truth table test of validity (since there is no row of the truth table on which the premises are all true and yet the conclusion is false).

p q p ⊃ q p q

Thus, any argument that has this same form is valid. For example, the following argument also has this same form (modus ponens):

  1. (A ⋅ B) ⊃ C
  2. (A ⋅ B)
  3. ∴ C

In this argument we can assert C according to the rule, modus ponens. This is so even though the antecedent of the conditional is itself complex (i.e., it is a conjunction). That doesn't matter. The first premise is still a conditional statement (since the horseshoe is the main operator) and the second premise is the antecedent of that conditional statement. The rule modus ponens says that if we have that much, we are entitled to infer the consequent of the conditional.

We can actually use modus ponens in the first argument of this section:

  1. (R v S) ⊃ (T ⊃ K)
  2. ~K
  3. R v S /∴ ~T
  4. T ⊃ K Modus ponens, lines 1, 3

What I have done here is I have written the valid form of inference (or rule) that justifies the line I am deriving, as well as the lines to which that rule applies, to the right of the new line of the proof that I am deriving. Here I have derived "T ⊃ K" from lines 1 and 3 of the argument by modus ponens. Notice that line 1 is a conditional statement and line 3 is the antecedent of that conditional statement. This proof isn't finished yet, since we have not yet derived the conclusion we are trying to derive, namely, "~T". We need a different rule to derive that, which we will introduce next.

The next form of inference is called "modus tollens," which is Latin for "the way that denies". Modus tollens has the following form:

  1. p ⊃ q
  2. ~q
  3. ∴ ~p

What this form says, in words, is that if we have asserted a conditional statement (p ⊃ q) and we have also asserted the negated consequent of that conditional (~q), then we are entitled to infer the negated antecedent of that conditional statement (~p). For example, if I asserted the conditional, "if it is raining, then the ground is wet" and I also asserted "the ground is not wet" (the negated consequent of that conditional) then I am entitled to assert the negated antecedent of the conditional, "it is not raining". It is important to see that any argument that has this same form is a valid argument. For example, the following argument is also an argument with this same form:

  1. C ⊃ (E v F)
  2. ~(E v F)
  3. ∴ ~C

In this argument we can assert ~C according to the rule, modus tollens. This is so even though the consequent of the conditional is itself complex (i.e., it is a disjunction). That doesn't matter. The first premise is still a conditional statement (since the horseshoe is the main operator) and the second premise is the negated consequent of that conditional statement. The rule modus tollens says that if we have that much, we are entitled to infer the negated antecedent of the conditional.

We can use modus tollens to complete the proof we started above:

  1. (R v S) ⊃ (T ⊃ K)
  2. ~K
  3. R v S /∴ ~T
  4. T ⊃ K Modus ponens, lines 1, 3
  5. ~T Modus tollens, lines 2, 4

Notice that the last line of the proof is the conclusion that we are supposed to derive and that each statement that I have derived (i.e., lines 4 and 5) has a rule to the right. That rule cited is the rule that justifies the statement that is being derived and the lines cited are the previous lines of the proof where we can see that the rule applies. This is what is called a proof. A proof is a series of statements, starting with the premises and ending with the conclusion, where each additional statement after the premises is derived from some previous line(s) of the proof using one of the valid forms of inference. We will practice this some more in the exercise at the end of this section.

The next form of inference is called "hypothetical syllogism". This is what ancient philosophers called "the chain argument" and it should be obvious why in a moment. Here is the form of the rule:

  1. p ⊃ q
  2. q ⊃ r
  3. ∴ p ⊃ r

As you can see, the conclusion of this argument links p and r together in a conditional statement. We could continue adding conditionals such as "r ⊃ s" and "s ⊃ t" and the inferences would be just as valid. And if we lined them all up as I have below, you can see why ancient philosophers referred to this valid argument form as a "chain argument":

p ⊃ q

q ⊃ r

r ⊃ s

s ⊃ t

∴ p ⊃ t

Notice how the consequent of each preceding conditional statement links up with the antecedent of the next conditional statement in such a way as to create a chain. The chain could be as long as we liked, but the rule that we will cite in our proofs only connects two different conditional statements together. As before, it is important to realize that any argument with this same form is a valid argument. For example,

  1. (A v B) ⊃ ~D
  2.  ~D ⊃ C
  3. ∴ (A v B) ⊃ C

Notice that the consequent of the first premise and the antecedent of the second premise are exactly the same term, "~D". That is what allows us to "link" the antecedent of the first premise and the consequent of the second premise together in a "chain" to infer the conclusion. Being able to recognize the forms of these inferences is an important skill that you will have to become proficient at in order to do proofs.

The next four forms of inference we will introduce utilize conjunction, disjunction and negation in different ways. We will start with the rule called "simplification," which has the following form:

  1. p ⋅ q
  2. ∴ p

What this rule says, in words, is that if we have asserted a conjunction then we are entitled to infer either one of the conjuncts. This is the rule that I introduced in the first section of this chapter. It is a pretty "obvious" rule - so obvious, in fact, that we might even wonder why we have to state it. However, every form of inference that we will introduce in this section should be obvious - that is the point of calling them basic forms of inference. They are some of the simplest forms of inference, whose validity should be transparently obvious. The idea of a proof is that although the inference being made in the argument is not obvious, we can break that inference down in steps, each of which is obvious. Thus, the obvious inferences ultimately justify the non-obvious inference being made in the argument. Those obvious inferences thus function as rules that we use to justify each step of the proof. Simplification is a prime example of one of the more obvious rules.

As before, it is important to realize that any inference that has the same form as simplification is a valid inference. For example,

  1. (A v B) ⋅ ~(C ⋅ D)
  2. ∴ (A v B)

is a valid inference because it has the same form as simplification. That is, line 1 is a conjunction (since the dot is the main operator of the sentence) and line 2 is inferring one of the conjuncts of that conjunction in line 1. (Just think of the "A v B" as the "p" and the "~(C ⋅ D)" as the "q").

The next rule we will introduce is called "conjunction" and is like the reverse of simplification. (Don't confuse the rule called conjunction with the type of complex proposition called a conjunction). Conjunction has the following form:

  1. p
  2. q
  3. ∴ p ⋅ q

What this rule says, in words, is that if you have asserted two different propositions, then you are entitled to assert the conjunction of those two propositions. As before, it is important to realize that any inference that has the same form as conjunction is a valid inference. For example,

  1. A ⊃ B
  2. C v D
  3. ∴ (A ⊃ B) ⋅ (C v D)

is a valid inference because it has the same form as conjunction. We are simply conjoining two propositions together; it doesn't matter whether those propositions are atomic or complex. In this case, of course, the propositions we are conjoining together are complex, but as long as those propositions have already been asserted as premises in the argument (or derived by some other valid form of inference), we can conjoin them together into a conjunction.

The next form of inference we will introduce is called "disjunctive syllogism" and it has the following form:

  1. p v q
  2. ~p
  3. ∴ q

In words, this rule states that if we have asserted a disjunction and we have asserted the negation of one of the disjuncts, then we are entitled to assert the other disjunct. Once you think about it, this inference should be pretty obvious. If we are taking for granted the truth of the premises - that either p or q is true; and that p is not true - then is has to follow that q is true in order for the original disjunction to be true. (Remember that we must assume the premises are true when evaluating whether an argument is valid.) If I assert that it is true that either Bob or Linda stole the diamond, and I assert that Bob did not steal the diamond, then it has to follow that Linda did. That is a disjunctive syllogism. As before, any argument that has this same form is a valid argument. For example,

  1. ~A v (B ⋅ C)
  2. ~~A
  3. ∴ B ⋅ C

is a valid inference because it has the same form as disjunctive syllogism. The first premise is a disjunction (since the wedge is the main operator), the second premise is simply the negation of the left disjunct, "~A", and the conclusion is the right disjunct of the original disjunction. It may help you to see the form of the argument if you treat "~A" as the p and "B ⋅ C" as the q. Also notice that the second premise contains a double negation. Your English teacher may tell you never to use double negatives, but as far as logic is concerned, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a double negation. In this case, our left disjunct in premise 1 is itself a negation, while premise 2 is simply a negation of that left disjunct.

The next rule we'll introduce is called "addition". It is not quite as "obvious" a rule as the ones we've introduced above. However, once you understand the conditions under which a disjunction is true, then it should be obvious why this form of inference is valid. Addition has the following form:

  1. p
  2. ∴ p v q

What this rule says, in words, is that that if we have asserted some proposition, p, then we are entitled to assert the disjunction of that proposition p and any other proposition q we wish. Here's the simple justification of the rule. If we know that p is true, and a disjunction is true if at least one of the disjuncts is true, then we know that the disjunction p v q is true even if we don't know whether q is true or false. Why? Because it doesn't matter whether q is true or false, since we already know that p is true. The hardest thing to understand about this rule is why we would ever want to use it. The best answer I can give you for that right now is that it can help us out when doing proofs.

As before, is it important to realize that any argument that has this same form, is a valid argument. For example,

  1. A v B
  2. ∴ (A v B) v (~C v D)

is a valid inference because it has the same form as addition. The first premise asserts a statement (which in this case is complex - a disjunction) and the conclusion is a disjunction of that statement and some other statement. In this case, that other statement is itself complex (a disjunction). But an argument or inference can have the same form, regardless of whether the components of those sentences are atomic or complex. That is the important lesson that I have been trying to drill in in this section.

The final of our 8 valid forms of inference is called "constructive dilemma" and is the most complicated of them all. It may be most helpful to introduce it using an example. Suppose I reasoned thus:

The killer is either in the attic or the basement. If the killer is in the attic then he is above me. If the killer is in the basement then his is below me. Therefore, the killer is either _________________ or _________________.

Can you fill in the blanks with the phrases that would make this argument valid? I'm guessing that you can. It should be pretty obvious. The conclusion of the argument is the following:

The killer is either above me or below me.

That this argument is valid should be obvious (can you imagine a scenario where all the premises are true and yet the conclusion is false?). What might not be as obvious is the form that this argument has. However, you should be able to identify that form if you utilize the tools that you have learned so far. The first premise is a disjunction. The second premise is a conditional statement whose antecedent is the left disjunct of the disjunction in the first premise. And the third premise is a conditional statement whose antecedent is the right disjunct of the disjunction in the first premise. The conclusion is the disjunction of the consequents of the conditionals in premises 2 and 3. Here is this form of inference using symbols:

  1. p v q
  2. p ⊃ r
  3. q ⊃ s
  4. ∴ r v s

We have now introduced each of the 8 forms of inference. In the next section I will walk you through some basic proofs that utilize these 8 rules.


Fill in the blanks with the valid form of inference that is being used and the lines the inference follows from. Note: the conclusion is written to the right of the last premise, following the "/∴" symbols.

Example 1:
  1. M ⊃ ~N
  2. M
  3. H ⊃ N /∴ ~H
  4. ~N Modus ponens, 1, 2
  5. ~H Modus tollens, 3, 4

Example 2:
  1. A v B
  2. C ⊃ D
  3. A ⊃ C
  4. ~D /∴ B
  5. A ⊃ D Hypothetical syllogism, 3, 2
  6. ~A Modus tollens, 5, 4
  7. B Disjunctive syllogism, 1, 6

    1. A ⋅ C /∴ (A v E) ⋅ (C v D)
    2. A _________________
    3. C _________________
    4. A v E _________________
    5. C v D _________________
    6. (A v E) ⋅ (C v D) ______________

    1. A ⊃ (B ⊃ D)
    2. ~D
    3. D v A /∴ ~B
    4. A _________________
    5. B ⊃ D _________________
    6. ~B _________________

    1. A ⊃ ~B
    2. A v C
    3. ~~B ⋅ D /∴ C
    4. ~~B _________________
    5. ~A _________________
    6. C _________________

    1. A ⊃ B
    2. A ⋅ ~D
    3. B ⊃ C /∴ C ⋅ ~D
    4. A _________________
    5. A ⊃ C _________________
    6. C _________________
    7. ~D _________________
    8. C ⋅ ~D _________________

    1. C
    2. A ⊃ B
    3. C ⊃ D
    4. D ⊃ E /∴ E v B
    5. C ⊃ E _________________
    6. C v A _________________
    7. E v B _________________

    1. (A v M) ⊃ R
    2. (L ⊃ R) ⋅ ~R
    3. ~(C ⋅ D) v (A v M) /∴ ~(C ⋅ D)
    4. ~R _______________
    5. ~(A v M) _______________
    6. ~(C ⋅ D) _______________

    1. (H ⋅ K) ⊃ L
    2. ~R ⋅ K
    3. K ⊃ (H v R) /∴ L
    4. K _________________
    5. H v R _________________
    6. ~R _________________
    7. H _________________
    8. H ⋅ K _________________
    9. L _________________

    1. C ⊃ B
    2. ~D ⋅ ~B
    3. (A ⊃ (B ⊃ C)) v D
    4. A v C /∴ B ⊃ C
    5. ~D _________________
    6. A ⊃ (B ⊃ C) _____________
    7. ~B _________________
    8. ~C __________________
    9. A __________________
    10. B ⊃ C __________________
    11. (B ⊃ C) v B __________________


    • Simplification 1
    • Simplification 1
    • Addition 2
    • Addition 3
    • Conjunction 4, 5

    • Disjunctive syllogism 2, 3
    • Modus ponens 1, 4
    • Modus tollens 2, 5

    • Simplification 3
    • Modus tollens 1, 4
    • Disjunctive syllogism 2, 5

    • Simplification 2
    • Hypothetical syllogism 1, 3
    • Modus ponens 4, 5
    • Simplification 2
    • Conjunction 6, 7

    • Hypothetical syllogism 3, 4
    • Addition 1
    • Constructive dilemma 2, 5,
    • 6

    • Simplification 2
    • Modus tollens 1, 4
    • Disjunctive syllogism 3, 5

    • Simplification 2
    • Modus ponens 3, 4
    • Simplification 2
    • Disjunctive syllogism 5, 6
    • Conjunction 4, 7
    • Modus ponens 1, 8

    • Simplification 2
    • Disjunctive syllogism 3, 5
    • Simplification 2
    • Modus tollens 1, 7
    • Disjunctive syllogism 4, 8
    • Modus ponens 6, 9
    • Addition 10

Short review of propositional logic

So far in this chapter we have learned a formal method for determining whether a certain class of arguments (i.e., those that utilize only truth functional operators) are valid or invalid. That method is the truth table test of validity. We have also learned a formal method for proving arguments are valid or invalid (the method of proof). The other important skill we have learned in this chapter so far is translating sentences into propositional logic. Thus, there are three different skills that you should know how to do:

  1. Translate sentences from English into propositional logic
  2. Construct truth tables in order to determine whether an argument is valid or invalid
  3. Construct proofs to prove an argument is valid

It is important to reiterate that truth tables are the only formal method that allow us to determine whether an argument is valid or invalid; proofs can only show that an argument is valid, but not that it is invalid. You might think that you can use proofs to show that an argument is invalid - for example, if you are unable to construct a proof for an argument, that means that the argument is invalid. However, this doesn't follow. There could be many reasons why you are unable to construct a proof, including that you just aren't skilled enough to construct proofs. But the fact that you aren't skilled enough to find a proof for an argument wouldn't mean that the argument is invalid, it would just mean that you weren't skilled enough to show that it is valid! So we cannot use one's inability to construct a proof for an argument to establish that the argument is invalid. Again, only the truth table test of validity can establish that an argument is invalid.

The study of propositional logic has given us a way of understanding what "formal" means in the phrase, "formal logic". We can see this clearly with the truth table test of validity. After we translate an argument into propositional logic using constants and the truth functional connectives, we don't need to know what the constants mean in order to know whether the argument is valid or invalid. We simply have to fill out the truth table in the mechanical way we have learned and then apply the truth table test of validity (which is also a mechanical procedure). Thus, once an argument has been translated into propositional logic, determining whether an argument passes the truth table test of validity is something a computer could easily do. The translation from English to symbolic format is not as easy for a computer to do because successfully doing so depends on understanding the nuances of English. Although today there are computer programs that are pretty good at doing this, it has taken many years to get there.

In contrast, any simple computer program from half a century ago could easily construct and evaluate a truth table using the truth table test of validity because this doesn't take any understanding - it is simply a mechanical procedure. There are many different programs, many of which are readily available on the web, that allow you to construct and evaluate truth tables. In contrast, the informal test of validity (from chapter 1) requires that we understand the meaning of the statements involved in the argument in order for us to be try to imagine the premises as true and the conclusion as false. Since this test requires the use of our imagination, it clearly also requires that we understand the meanings of the statements in the argument. The truth table test of validity does not require any of this. Since the truth table method does not require understanding of the meaning of the statements involved in the argument, but only an awareness of their logical form, we refer to it as a formal logic. Formal logic is a kind of logic that looks only at the form, rather than the content (meaning) of the statements. We can easily see this by constructing an argument where the atomic propositions use silly, made-up words, such as those from Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky":

  1. If toves are slithy, then the borogoves are mimsy
  2. Borogoves are not mimsy
  3. Therefore, toves are not slithy

If we translate "toves are slithy" at "T" and "borogoves are mimsy" as "B" then the form of this argument is clearly modus tollens, which is one of the 8 valid forms of inference:

  1. T ⊃ B
  2. ~B
  3. ∴ ~T

We can thus see that this argument is valid even though we have no idea what "toves" or "borogoves" are or what "slithy" and "mimsy" mean. Thus, propositional logic, which includes the truth table test of validity, is a kind of formal logic, whereas the informal test of validity is not. There are other kinds of formal logic besides propositional logic. In the next section I will introduce another kind of formal logic: categorical logic.


Construct proofs for the following valid arguments. The first fifteen proofs can be complete in three or less additional lines. The next five proofs will be a bit longer. It is important to note that there is always more than one way to construct a proof. If your proof differs from the answer key, that doesn't mean it is wrong. #1

    1. A ⋅ B
    2. (A v C) ⊃ D /∴ A ⋅ D
    1. A
    2. B /∴ (A v C) ⋅ B

    1. D ⊃ E
    2. D ⋅ F /∴ E

    1. J ⊃ K
    2.  J /∴ K v L

    1. A v B
    2. ~A ⋅ ~C /∴ B

    1. A ⊃ B
    2. ~B ⋅ ~C /∴ ~A

    1. D ⊃ E
    2. (E ⊃ F) ⋅ (F⊃ D) /∴D ⊃ F

    1. (T ⊃ U) ⋅ (T ⊃ V)
    2. T /∴ U v V

    1. (E ⋅ F) v (G ⊃ H)
    2. I ⊃ G
    3. ~(E ⋅ F) /∴ I ⊃ H

    1. M ⊃ N
    2. O ⊃ P
    3. N ⊃ P
    4. (N ⊃ P) ⊃ (M v O) /∴N v P

    1. A v (B ⊃ A)
    2. ~A ⋅ C /∴ ~B

    1. (D v E) ⊃ (F ⋅ G)
    2. D /∴ F

    1. T ⊃ U
    2. V v ~U
    3. ~V ⋅ ~W /∴ ~T

    1. (A v B) ⊃ ~C
    2. C v D
    3. A /∴ D

    1. L v (M ⊃ N)
    2. ~L ⊃ (N ⊃ O)
    3. ~L /∴ M ⊃ O

    1. A ⊃ B
    2. A v (C ⋅ D)
    3. ~B ⋅ ~E /∴ C

    1. (F ⊃ G) ⋅ (H ⊃ I)
    2. J ⊃ K
    3. (F v J) ⋅ (H v L) /∴ G v K

    1. (E v F) ⊃ (G ⋅ H)
    2. (G v H) ⊃ I
    3. E /∴ I

    1. (N v O) ⊃ P
    2. (P v Q) ⊃ R
    3. Q v N
    4. ~Q /∴ R

    1. J ⊃ K
    2. K v L
    3. (L ⋅ ~J) ⊃ (M ⋅ ~J)
    4. ~K    /∴ M


    1. A ⋅ B
    2. (A v C) ⊃ D /∴ A ⋅ D
    3. A Simplification 1
    4. A v C Addition 3
    5. D Modus ponens 2, 4
    6. A ⋅ D Conjunction 3, 5

    1. A
    2. B /∴ (A v C) ⋅ B
    3. A v C Addition 1
    4. (A v C) ⋅ B Conjunction 2, 3

    1. D ⊃ E
    2. D ⋅ F /∴ E
    3. D Simplification 2
    4. E Modus ponens 1, 3

    1. J ⊃ K
    2. J /∴ K v L
    3. K Modus ponens 1, 2
    4. K v L Addition 3

    1. A v B
    2. ~A ⋅ ~C /∴ B
    3. ~A Simplification 2
    4. B Disjunctive syllogism 1, 3

    1. A ⊃ B
    2. ~B ⋅ ~C /∴ ~A
    3. ~B Simplification 2
    4. ~A Modus tollens, 1, 3

    1. D ⊃ E
    2. (E ⊃ F) ⋅ (F⊃ D) /∴ D ⊃ F
    3. E ⊃ F Simplification 2
    4. D ⊃ F Hypothetical syllogism 1, 3

    1. (T ⊃ U) ⋅ (T ⊃ V)
    2. T /∴ U v V
    3. T v U Addition 2
    4. U v V Constructive dilemma 1, 2, 3

    1. (E ⋅ F) v (G ⊃ H)
    2. I ⊃ G
    3. ~(E ⋅ F) /∴ I ⊃ H
    4. G ⊃ H Disjunctive syllogism 1, 3
    5. I ⊃ H Hypothetical syllogism 2, 4

    1. M ⊃ N
    2. O ⊃ P
    3. N ⊃ P
    4. (N ⊃ P) ⊃ (M v O) /∴N v P
    5. M v O Modus ponens 3, 4
    6. N v P Constructive dilemma 1, 2, 5

    1. A v (B ⊃ A)
    2. ~A ⋅ C /∴ ~B
    3. ~A Simplification 2
    4. B ⊃ A Disjunctive syllogism 1, 3
    5. ~B Modus tollens 3, 4

    1. (D v E) ⊃ (F ⋅ G)
    2. D /∴ F
    3. D v E Addition 2
    4. F ⋅ G Modus ponens 1, 3
    5. F Simplification 4

    1. T ⊃ U
    2. V v ~U
    3. ~V ⋅ ~W /∴ ~T
    4. ~V Simplification 3
    5. ~U Disjunctive syllogism 2, 4
    6. ~T Modus tollens 1, 5

    1. (A v B) ⊃ ~C
    2. C v D
    3. A /∴ D
    4. A v B Addition 3
    5. ~C Modus ponens 1, 4
    6. D Disjunctive syllogism 2, 5

    1. L v (M ⊃ N)
    2. ~L ⊃ (N ⊃ O)
    3. ~L /∴ M ⊃ O
    4. N ⊃ O Modus ponens 2, 3
    5. M ⊃ N Disjunctive syllogism 1, 3
    6. M ⊃ O Hypothetical syllogism 4, 5

    1. A ⊃ B
    2. A v (C ⋅ D)
    3. ~B ⋅ ~E /∴ C
    4. ~B Simplification 3
    5. ~A Modus tollens 1, 4
    6. C ⋅ D Disjunctive syllogism 2, 5
    7. C Simplification 6

    1. (F ⊃ G) ⋅ (H ⊃ I)
    2. J ⊃ K
    3. (F v J) ⋅ (H v L) /∴ G v K
    4. F ⊃ G Simplification 1
    5. F v J Simplification 3
    6. G v K Constructive dilemma 2, 4, 5

    1. (E v F) ⊃ (G ⋅ H)
    2. (G v H) ⊃ I
    3. E /∴ I
    4. E v F Addition 3
    5. G ⋅ H Modus ponens 1, 4
    6. G Simplification 5
    7. G v H Addition 6
    8. I Modus ponens 2, 7

    1. (N v O) ⊃ P
    2. (P v Q) ⊃ R
    3. Q v N
    4. ~Q /∴ R
    5. N Disjunctive syllogism 3, 4
    6. N v O Addition 5
    7. P Modus ponens 1, 6
    8. P v Q Addition 7
    9. R Modus ponens 2, 8

    1. J ⊃ K
    2. K v L
    3. (L ⋅ ~J) ⊃ (M ⋅ ~J)
    4. ~K /∴ M
    5. L Disjunctive syllogism 2, 4
    6. ~J Modus tollens 1, 4
    7. L ⋅ ~J Conjunction 5, 6
    8. M ⋅ ~J Modus ponens 3, 7
    9. M Simplification 8

How to construct proofs

You can think of constructing proofs as a game. The goal of the game is to derive the conclusion from the given premises using only the 8 valid rules of inference that we have introduced. Not every proof requires you to use every rule, of course. But you may use any of the rules - as along as your use of the rule is correct. Like most games, people can be better or worse at the "game" of constructing proofs. Better players will be able to a) make fewer mistakes, b) construct the proofs more quickly, and c) construct the proofs more efficiently. In order to construct proofs, it is imperative that you internalize the 8 valid forms of inference introduced in the previous section. You will be citing these forms of inference as rules that will justify each new line of your proof that you add. By "internalize" I mean that you have memorized them so well that you can see those forms manifest in various sentences almost without even thinking about it. If you internalize the rules in this way, constructing proofs will be a pleasant diversion, rather than a frustrating activity. In addition to internalizing the 8 valid forms of inference, there are a couple of different strategies that can help when you're stuck and can't figure out what to do next. The first is the strategy of working backwards. When we work backwards in a proof, we ask ourselves what rule we can use to derive the sentence(s) we need to derive. Here is an example:

  1. R ⋅ S
  2. T /∴ (T v L) ⋅ (R ⋅ S)

The conclusion, which is to the right of the second premise and follows the "/∴" symbol, is a conjunction (since the dot is the main operator). If we are trying to "work backwards," the relevant question to ask is: What rule can we use to derive a conjunction? If you know the rules, you should know the answer to that question. There is only one rule that allows us to derive (infer) a sentence that is a conjunction. That rule is called "conjunction". The form of the rule conjunction says that in order to derive a conjunction, we need to have each conjunct on a separate line. So, what are the two conjuncts that we would need in order to derive the conjunction that is the conclusion (i.e., "(T v L) ⋅ (R ⋅ S)"). We would need both "T v L" on a line and "R ⋅ S" on a separate line. But look at premise 1 - we already have "R ⋅ S" on its own line! So the only other thing we need to derive is the sentence "T v L". Once we have that on a separate line, then we can use the rule conjunction to conjoin those two sentences to get the conclusion! So the next question we have to ask is: How can I derive the sentence "T v L"? Again, if we are working backwards, the relevant question to ask here is: What rule allows me to derive a disjunction? There are only two: constructive dilemma and addition. However, we know that we won't be using constructive dilemma since none of the premises are conditional statements, and constructive dilemma requires conditional statements as premises. That leaves addition. Addition allows us to disjoin any statement we like to an existing statement. Since we have "T" as the second premise, the rule addition allows us to disjoin "L" to that statement. The first new line of the proof should thus look like this:

  1. T v L Addition 2

What I have done is number a new line of the proof (continuing the numbering from the premises) and then have written the rule that justifies that new line as well as the line(s) from which that line was derived via that rule. In this case, since addition is a rule that allows you to derive a sentence directly from just one line, I have cited only one line. The next step of the proof should be clear since we have already talked through it above. All we have to do now is go directly to the conclusion, since the conclusion is a conjunction and we now have (on separate lines of the proof) each conjunct. Thus, the final line of this (quite simple) proof should look like this:

  1. (T v L) ⋅ (R ⋅ S) Conjunction 1, 3

Again, all I've done is the write the new line of the proof (continuing the numbering from the previous line) and then have written the rule that justifies that new line as well as the line(s) from which that line was derived via that rule. In this case, the rule conjunction requires that we cite two lines (i.e., each conjunct that we are conjoining). So, I have to find the lines that contained "T v L" and "R ⋅ S" and cite those lines. It does not matter the order in which you cite the lines as along as you have cited the correct lines (e.g., I could have equally well have written, "Conjunction 3, 1" as the justification). Thus the complete proof should look like this:

  1. R ⋅ S
  2. T /∴ (T v L) ⋅ (R ⋅ S)
  3. T v L Addition 2
  4. (T v L) ⋅ (R ⋅ S) Conjuction 1, 3

That's it. That is all there is to constructing a proof. The last line of the proof is the conclusion to be derived: check. Each line of the proof follows by the rule and the line(s) cited: check. Since both of those requirements check out, our proof is complete and correct.

I have just walked you through a simple proof using the strategy of working backwards. This strategy works well as long as the conclusion we are trying to derive is complex - that is, if it contains truth functional connectives. However, sometimes our conclusion will simply be an atomic statement. In that case, we will not as easily be able to utilize the strategy of working backwards. But there is another strategy that we can utilize: the strategy of working forward. To utilize the strategy of working forward, we simply ask ourselves what rules we can apply to the existing premises to derive something, even if it isn't the conclusion we are ultimately trying to derive. As a part of this strategy, we should typically break apart a conjunction whenever we have one as a premise of our argument. Doing this can help to see where to go next. (If you've ever played Scrabble, then you can think of this as rearranging your Scrabble tiles in order to see what words you can build.) Here is an example of a proof where we should utilize the strategy of working forward:

  1. A ⋅ B
  2. B ⊃ C /∴ C

Notice that since the conclusion is atomic, we cannot utilize the strategy of working backwards. Instead, we should try working forward. As part of this strategy, we should break apart conjunctions by using the rule "simplification". That will be the first step of our proof:

  1. A ⋅ B
  2. B ⊃ C /∴ C
  3. A Simplification 1
  4. B Simplification 1

The first two lines of the proof is just breaking down the conjunction in line 1, where line 3 is just the left conjunct and line 4 is just the right conjunct. Both lines 3 and 4 follow by the same rule and the same line, in this case. The next question we ask when utilizing the strategy of working forward is: what lines of the proof we can apply some rule to in order to derive something or other? Look at the conditional on line 2. We haven't used that yet. So what rule can we apply to that line? You should be thinking of the rules that utilize conditional statements (modus ponens, modus tollens, and hypothetical syllogism). We can rule out hypothetical syllogism since here we have only one conditional and the rule hypothetical syllogism requires that we have two. If you look at line 4 (that we have just derived) you should see that it is the antecedent of the conditional statement on line 2. And you should know that that means we can apply the rule, modus ponens. So our next step is to do that:

  1. A ⋅ B
  2. B ⊃ C /∴ C
  3. A Simplification 1
  4. B Simplification 1
  5. C Modus ponens 2, 4

But now also notice that the line that we have just derived is in fact the conclusion of the argument. So our proof is finished.

Before the close of this section, let's work through a bit longer proof. Remember: any proof, long or short, is the same process and utilizes the same strategy. It is just a matter a keeping track of where you are in the proof and what you're ultimately trying to derive. So here is a bit more complex proof:

  1. (~A v B) ⊃ L
  2. ~B
  3. A ⊃ B
  4. L ⊃ (~R v D)
  5. ~D ⋅ (R v F) /∴ (L v G) ⋅ ~R

The conclusion is a conjunction of "L v G" and "~R" so we know that if we can get each of those sentences on a separate line, then we can use the rule conjunction to derive the conclusion. That will be our long range goal here (and this is utilizing the strategy of working backwards). However, we cannot see how to directly get there from here at this point, so we will begin utilizing the strategy of working forward. The first thing we'll do is simplify the conjunction on line 5:

  1. ~D Simplification 5
  2. R v F Simplification 5

Look at lines 2 and 6: they are both negated atomic propositions. Another part of the strategy of working forward is to utilize either atomic or negated atomic sentences. We should look for how we can utilize modus tollens or disjunctive syllogism by plugging these negated atomic sentences into other lines of the proof. Look at lines 2 and 3. You should see a modus tollens there. That will be our next step:

  1. ~A Modus tollens 2, 3

The next step of this proof can be a bit tricky. There are a couple different ways we could go. One would be to utilize the rule "addition". Can you see how we might helpfully utilize this rule using either line 6 or 8? If not, I'll give you a hint: what if we were to use addition on line 8 to derive "~A v B"? Can you see how we could then plug that into line 1? In fact, "~A v B" is the antecedent of the conditional in line 1, so we could then use modus ponens to derive the consequent. Thus, let's try starting with the addition on line 8:

  1. ~A v B Addition 8

Next, we'll utilize line 9 and line 1 with modus ponens to derive the next line:

  1. L Modus ponens 1, 9

Notice at this point that what we have derived on line 10 is "L" and what we earlier said we needed as one of the conjuncts was "L v G". You should recognize that we have a rule that will allow us to infer directly from "L" to "L v G". That rule is addition (again). That will be the next line of the proof:

  1. L v G Addition 10

At this point, our strategy should be to try to derive the other conjunct, "~R". Notice that "~R" is contained within the sentence on line 4, but it is embedded. How can we "get it free"? Start by noticing that the ~R is a part of a disjunction, which is itself a consequent of a conditional statement. Also notice that we have already derived the antecedent of that conditional statement, which means that we can use modus ponens to derive the consequent:

  1. ~R v D Modus ponens 4, 10

The penultimate step is to use a disjunctive syllogism to derive "~R".

  1. ~R Disjunctive syllogism 6, 12

The final step is simply to conjoin lines 11 and 13 to get the conclusion:

  1. (L v G) ⋅ ~R Conjunction 11, 13

Thus, here is the completed proof:

  1. (~A v B) ⊃ L
  2. ~B
  3. A ⊃ B
  4. L ⊃ (~R v D)
  5. ~D ⋅ (R v F) /∴ (L v G) ⋅ ~R
  6. ~D Simplification 5
  7. R v F Simplification 5
  8. ~A Modus tollens 2, 3
  9. ~A v B Addition 8
  10. L Modus ponens 1, 9
  11. L v G Addition 10
  12. ~R v D Modus ponens 4, 10
  13. ~R Disjunctive syllogism 14.(L v G) ⋅ ~R Conjunction 11, 13
Constructing proofs is a skill that takes practice. The following exercises will give you some practice with constructing proofs.