BUS631 Study Guide

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: BUS631: Brand Management
Book: BUS631 Study Guide
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Date: Monday, October 21, 2024, 5:03 PM

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Study Guide Structure

In this study guide, the sections in each unit (1a., 1b., etc.) are the learning outcomes of that unit. 

Beneath each learning outcome are:

  • questions for you to answer independently;
  • a brief summary of the learning outcome topic; and
  • and resources related to the learning outcome. 

At the end of each unit, there is also a list of suggested vocabulary words.


How to Use this Study Guide

  1. Review the entire course by reading the learning outcome summaries and suggested resources.
  2. Test your understanding of the course information by answering questions related to each unit learning outcome and defining and memorizing the vocabulary words at the end of each unit.

By clicking on the gear button on the top right of the screen, you can print the study guide. Then you can make notes, highlight, and underline as you work.

Through reviewing and completing the study guide, you should gain a deeper understanding of each learning outcome in the course and be better prepared for the final exam!

Unit 1: The Principles of Strategic Brand Management

1a. Evaluate how struggling brands can recover from declining competitive positioning

  • How can a company restore its brand?
  • Why would a brand be struggling with competition?
  • What can a company do about brand competition?

It is important to consider brand management as companies continue to struggle with building, measuring, and maintaining their brand as competition floods the marketplace. Once a brand is established, then a company may go into maintaining or managing that brand equity. There is always the risk of a company losing some of that branding position, and then they need to potentially recover that position. If the company can focus steadily on brand management, then it may never lose its place in the market.

As more and more competition moves into the market, companies must be proactive in protecting and promoting their brand. By creating marketing that differentiates products from others on the market, a company might control their own market share and protect the brand.

Restoring a company brand may occur in several ways, and not every way will work for specific companies and their brands. A few things that a company might do to restore its brand may be lowering prices, updating products, or spending additional money on the promotion of the brand.

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1b. Create the blueprint for a multi-brand company's strategic plan

  • What is a brand strategic plan?
  • Why is it important to develop a multi-brand strategic plan?
  • How can you develop a multi-brand strategic plan?

Brand strategy is an important part of a strategic marketing plan, and for companies that have multi-brands, it is important to have a separate plan for each brand. Brand managers know that brand strategy measurements include growth and market share, and this will drive consumer loyalty in favor of their brands. Understanding strategic planning for multi-brands will be important to you as a brand manager.

When a company promotes numerous products, and each has their own brand, a multi-brand strategic plan is necessary, and as a brand manager, you will need to understand the process. By understanding the market and creating a place in the market share for the product, you can then promote the product and brand by creating unique and focused marketing. It will also be useful to create an appealing visual identity for the brand itself.

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1c. Analyze an iconic brand from the perspective of its commitment to ethical practices

  • Can you name one iconic brand that has a commitment to ethical practices?
  • What makes a brand iconic?
  • Why might a brand want to commit to ethical practices?

Iconic brand marketing sticks with us. The Nike swoosh, the Disney logo, or even those toothpaste commercials that demonstrate sparkling, white teeth. These are advertisements that remain with us through decades of marketing. These brands have matured and, over time, have become iconic. Even though these brands are established, they still need to be maintained and move with the current times and must consider consumers changing attitudes.

Many companies today have made ethical practice commitments when revising or updating their brands. Because times have changed and more people are demanding that companies be more responsible about their products, companies have been forced to change to reflect today's consumer attitudes about those brands. One example may be when Starbucks makes promises to have all recyclable materials in their stores by a year soon. Patagonia develops an entire brand about its commitment to ethical practices.

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1d. Evaluate the basis of a multi-level consumer brand's strategic growth

  • How does a company grow its multi-level brands?
  • Why does strategic growth matter to a brand?
  • What can you do to develop strategic brand growth?

Most companies review the strategic growth of their brands and create a plan for strategic growth when developing a new brand. This is important because the company wants to improve its product or service offerings and turn a profit. When a company has multi-level brands, it is important to be constantly reviewing each brand and their strategic growth over the years.

Companies may grow their strategic brands by promoting the product, changing or making updates to products, or creating additional products. It is also important that once a brand has reached their maturity level, the brand is still being reviewed so that they can maintain market share. Having a strategic growth plan will assist with this process.

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1e. Analyze how a mature brand can grow consumer sales

  • What does brand maturity mean?
  • How can a mature brand grow consumer sales?
  • Why should a company focus on growing consumer sales for mature brands?

Mature brands have been around for a while. Some may be fading, while other brands remain strong and competitive in the marketplace. By ensuring that these brands are maintained and updated, they can continue to grow consumer sales. It is important for companies to change with the current times, and brands must consider consumers changing attitudes over time, and they must change with the times.

Nike is an example of a mature brand that has continued to expand and grow consumer sales. By consistently changing with the current times, Nike has been able to grow their product listings, continue marketing that is clever and timely, and they have maintained products that have been on the market for decades. By consistently reviewing where they are with brands, marketing, and strategy, Nike has been able to keep consumer sales high.

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Unit 1 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • brand strategy
  • branding position
  • ethical practice commitments
  • grow consumer sales
  • iconic brand marketing
  • mature brands
  • multi-level brands
  • restoring a company brand
  • strategic growth

Unit 2: Consumer Choice: Loyalty, Preference and Brand Equity

2a. Analyze how to best position for brand equity

  • What is an example of brand equity?
  • How can a company position itself in terms of brand equity?
  • Why is it important to be concerned with brand equity?

Companies may position for brand equity in a variety of ways. Typically, brand equity begins with brand strategy and brand awareness, then a company attempts to differentiate their brand from others, and then build brand loyalty, which then creates brand equity. Brand equity may be determined by considering company value and assets, which are part of the financial component of any company.

Depending on how consumers spend on certain brands will create customer loyalty, and this will help to create brand value. What a brand is worth may be determined by its consumers and their loyalty to that brand. As brand equity grows, brand value may also rise. When a company is for sale, brand equity and value are considered to determine overall company value.

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2b. Evaluate the touchpoints along the consumer purchasing journey that lead to loyal consumer preference

  • What are brand ambassadors?
  • How can a brand build customer loyalty?
  • How do loyalty programs help to build a brand?

Companies may help to build their brand through a variety of ways. These might include brand ambassadors, loyalty programs, or using loyal customers to attract new customers. Brand ambassadors are paid to promote the brand, and these people or celebrities typically already have a following of people who listen to what they say.

Loyalty programs help to build consumer preference as a customer may return to make a purchase out of habit, knowing they may receive rewards for their purchase. Customers who repeatedly buy from a company or brand may tell others about that experience, and that also helps to build the brand. By developing these strong ties between the brand and consumer buying habits, a company can increase sales and consumer loyalty.

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2c. Analyze a gap analysis of the competitive landscape to understand brand growth opportunities

  • What is a gap analysis?
  • Why is it important to understand the competitive landscape for brand growth?
  • What are some brand growth opportunities?

A gap analysis occurs when a company compares brand performance with its desired brand performance. At times, the actual growth may exceed expectations, or it may be less than desired. By analyzing and performing a gap analysis to expand brand opportunities, a company may be able to better manage the expectations of those brands.

A brand growth strategy will help a company build that brand, and it should include a detailed plan about how to grow the brand and increase brand equity and market share. By reviewing the current competitive landscape for similar products and services, a company may be able to increase brand growth opportunities as well. As a brand manager, it is important to consider all growth opportunities to grow your brand.

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2d. Evaluate critical elements of consumer engagement and brand equity insights with the use of data analytics

  • What is consumer engagement, and how can it be used to increase brand equity?
  • How can you use data analytics to gain insight into brand performance?
  • What are some elements of consumer engagement, brand equity, and data analytics?

Consumer engagement can be increased as customers begin to buy a product or service, use a customer rewards loyalty program, or engage with other consumers about that product. One example of this would be a TikTok video that demonstrates the benefits of a product that meets a wide variety of consumer needs. Consumers may engage in conversations with others about that interaction.

Data analytics are extremely useful to any brand manager as they analyze where leads and direct purchases are coming from (what websites), how long those potential customers remain on the website, and what they click on. This data can be analyzed for future marketing purposes as brand managers determine where the bulk of their leads are coming from. This information can also be useful to determine consumer engagement and brand equity insights.

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2e. Analyze the marketing ROI (return on investment) and productivity of brands

  • What is marketing ROI, and how is it used in brand management?
  • Why is it important to understand ROI from a marketing perspective?
  • How can you use ROI information to better the brand?

Analyzing marketing ROI (return on investment) is an important tool to use when managing your brand. This is the amount of money you put into advertising and marketing the brand compared to sales. This information will show if a product or service is useful and effective and how the overall productivity is for that brand. By analyzing this type of financial information, you can better determine the overall health of the brand itself.

The more focused and targeted the marketing is for a particular brand, the higher the sales might be and the more profitable the brand. This helps to justify the marketing that is spent on a brand and may also allow for additional marketing if the initial promotions are successful. By generating additional sales, a company may decide to increase marketing for a brand or for products or services of that brand.

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Unit 2 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • brand ambassadors
  • brand equity
  • brand equity insights
  • brand growth strategy
  • consumer engagement
  • data analytics
  • gap analysis
  • loyalty programs
  • ROI (return on investment)

Unit 3: The Brand Audit: Asset Development

3a. Evaluate strategic recommendations for an iconic brand's architecture

  • As a brand manager, how do you make strategic recommendations?
  • Why is it important to consider a brand's architecture?
  • What recommendations can you make for an iconic brand's architecture?

As a brand manager, you should be able to evaluate and make strategic recommendations about a brand's architecture. A brand's architecture might include being part of a parent or umbrella brand, an endorsed brand, or a master brand. There are four types of brands which include branded house, house of brands, endorsed, or hybrid. By understanding the different types of brands and how your brand fits into that house of brands, you can better understand the brand you support.

A branded house or umbrella house architecture would include one business that has several similar brands within that house. FedEx might be one example, as they have several similar brands (overnight, ground, freight, etc.) within their house of brands. A house of brands may include numerous different products and brands under one company name. Johnson & Johnson would be a good example of this as they have a wide variety of products and brands in their house. An endorsed brand structure would include a parent brand name and then smaller brands under that parent brand. Marriott Hotels is a good example of this as they have numerous hotel names that are owned by the Marriott brand. And finally, the hybrid brand may be a combination of any of these brand houses. This might occur during an acquisition of an existing brand that does not quite fit into one of their current brands. Walt Disney, Microsoft, and Amazon are good examples of this, as they have numerous divisions, most unrelated to each other.

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3b. Analyze brand awareness among loyal consumers

  • How can brand awareness be raised?
  • What makes a customer loyal to a brand?
  • Why is brand awareness important among loyal customers?

Brand awareness occurs when people become familiar with a particular brand. Brand awareness may happen in marketing when a friend uses a product or even during an infomercial. It is possible that loyal consumers are aware of the brand because of loyalty points, email, or direct mail marketing. It is important to analyze the ways that a loyal consumer uses a product and why they are aware of the brand in the first place.

Consumers may become loyal because they like the product or service or maybe because a friend told them about it and they enjoy using it. Perhaps then they downloaded an app or signed up for loyalty rewards. Then, the app becomes an easy way to place an order or do a quick pick-up at a local store. The more convenient the company makes it to buy or purchase a product, the more loyal the consumer may become.

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3c. Evaluate the core brand value proposition statement for a line extension

  • What is a core brand value proposition?
  • What is a product line extension?
  • How might you evaluate the core brand value proposition statement for a line extension?

The core brand value proposition is something that allows a company to stand out from their competition. This may be a benefit or benefit that consumers get from using the products or brands and keeps them loyal to the company. A line extension in marketing occurs when a company expands their existing product line with similar or new products.

By analyzing the core brand value proposition statement, a company has about a product or why loyal consumers may stay with a particular brand, you may be able to create additional value for that product or brand. It is important to analyze these unintended uses of your product to see why the product may be loved by consumers. These uses are important because they may become a part of the next marketing plan for the brand.

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3d. Evaluate how external information from public secondary sources and company websites drive consumer choice

  • How do secondary sources help to drive website traffic?
  • Why is it important to determine which secondary sources drive website traffic?
  • What is an example of external information that consumers might use to find a product or product website?

Consumers use a variety of ways to hear about a product or service. These ways may include social media, friends, or an advertisement. Social media is one way that businesses use to promote their products to consumers, and they may get a high return rate. These secondary sources help to drive consumer traffic to a website, making it easier for a company to market and easier for a consumer to get what they need.

One example may be a TikTok of a short advertisement showing how to use a product. A consumer may click on the advertisement (the consumer may not see this as an advertisement, but as a useful product they need) and then be taken to the website that sells that product. It is important for the brand manager to understand these secondary sources and the data analytics behind those clicks.

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3e. Analyze a brand's vision, including its product, pricing, channel, and communication strategies

  • How can you analyze a brand's vision?
  • Why are product, pricing, channel, and communication strategies important to analyze?
  • How can you use communication strategies to analyze a brand's vision?

As a brand manager, it is important to analyze a brand's vision when developing the brand and while maintaining that brand. By understanding the various ways you might make changes or updates to product, pricing, channel, or communication strategies, you may be able to keep the brand current and timely.

These values may help you better determine additional ways to market the brand. The product, pricing, and channel all make a difference when trying to reach a potential customer, and with ever-changing competition, you may need to update these avenues regularly to remain current. Communicating these strategies with the consumer can be tricky and may require alternative ways of trying to reach them. In the last section, we mentioned social media and using advertising that the consumer may not feel like advertising. This is one of the best ways to reach a potential customer because they are not aware that it is advertising.

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Unit 3 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • brand awareness
  • branded house
  • brand's vision
  • core brand value proposition
  • endorsed brands
  • house of brands
  • hybrid brand
  • loyal consumers
  • line extension
  • secondary sources

Unit 4: Brand Portfolio Management

4a. Evaluate the BCG analysis of a brand portfolio

  • What is the BCG analysis of a brand portfolio?
  • How can you conduct a BCG analysis?
  • Why is it important to conduct a BCG portfolio?

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix was developed to help companies evaluate each business section to assist in increasing market growth rate and market share. The BCG will assist brand managers in determining which products or brands are productive and which are not. It is important to understand the BCG matrix and apply it to any brands that should be analyzed for productivity.

A BCG analysis can be conducted by reviewing low and high market share and growth and where they fall on the matrix, a brand manager can determine which products should be continued and which might need to be discontinued. This analysis is important when reviewing current products or brands' usefulness and overall productivity.

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4b. Analyze brand stretching at a multi-tiered global company

  • What is brand stretching?
  • How might brand stretching be used between brands?
  • Why is it important to understand how to use brand stretching at a multi-tiered global company?

Brand stretching occurs when a company attempts to use an existing brand name to promote a new product or service that may or may not be related. The company is trying to capitalize on a successful product and hopes that success extends to the new product. Apple is a great example of a multi-tiered global company using brand stretching. They have released numerous unrelated products from their initial computer and used that success to sell new products to loyal consumers.

It is important to understand this process because, as a brand manager, you may be able to capitalize on the success of products your company already promotes. This alignment may help to create additional products that are accepted by consumers because they are familiar with the products already being promoted.

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4c. Evaluate brand architecture strategies

  • What are brand architecture strategies?
  • How might a brand manager use brand architecture strategies to promote products?
  • Why is it important to understand brand architecture strategies?

Brand architecture strategies may include the association between other brands in the same house, a parent brand, sub-brands, or products or product lines. This association is important for any brand manager to consider so that associated marketing might be used to promote new products or services.

A few things to consider with brand architecture strategies are four components that include auditing of the architecture, portfolio principles for all brands, hierarchy framework for all brands, and naming of products. These four strategies may help in evaluating the brand architecture strategies and determining which products should remain or be eliminated.

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4d. Evaluate brand growth potential using the product/growth model

  • What is brand growth potential?
  • How can brand growth potential be used in the product/growth model?
  • Why is it important to understand brand growth potential?

The brand growth potential is one way to determine how many consumers a brand might acquire in a specific market. This information will help to determine marketing costs and potential product or service growth and may assist a brand manager in developing a strategy for marketing for the brand. A brand potential index (BPI) uses a calculation to help estimate this information.

By evaluating the BPI and brand growth potential, a marketing manager will gain a better understanding of what it will take to promote a product or service in each market. This will also include financial information that can then be compared to marketing costs for the same product or service. It can then be determined if the product or service may be successful or how successful it might be.

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4e. Analyze a value optimization study on a consumer brand

  • What is customer value optimization?
  • How can customer value optimization be used to better understand a brand?
  • Why is it important to analyze a value optimization study on a consumer brand?

Customer value optimization (CVO) assists a company in creating the best customer experience. CVO works with the ROI to ensure that the cost of marketing is appropriate to sales. The CVO attempts to connect with customers and create a better path to customer loyalty. By reviewing companies who have completed a value optimization study of their progress in this area, a brand manager can gain a better understanding of the products and brands they promote.

By creating a better customer experience, a company is inviting customers to purchase their products and experience what life is like with those products. This may result in a higher level of customer loyalty. Starbucks is a great example of this because it focuses on ensuring customers have a great experience in its stores and with its products. As a result, Starbucks has gained loyalty with customers around the world.

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Unit 4 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix
  • brand architecture strategies
  • brand growth potential
  • brand potential index (BPI)
  • brand stretching
  • customer value optimization (CVO)
  • multi-tiered global company

Unit 5: Sustainable Competitive Advantage

5a. Evaluate the growth potential of a large industry

  • How do you evaluate industry growth potential?
  • Why is it important to evaluate industry growth potential?
  • What difference is there when evaluating a large industry growth potential?

Evaluating a large industry's growth potential is important for brand managers because it is an indicator of the growth in that industry, and it may result in additional sales. If the market share is larger, then it may be worth it to promote a product that meets the needs of consumers in that industry. Just looking at the market share is not enough.

An industry's growth potential can be measured by reviewing sales, profits, innovation, and how productive the industry is in related areas or competition. Each of these areas is an indicator of growth potential. As a brand manager, you will need to determine how that industry might grow and how long that growth might last.

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5b. Analyze how a mature brand sustains its relevancy and extends into a new product category

  • How does a mature brand have growth potential?
  • Why is it important to analyze mature brands and how they stay relevant?
  • How might a mature brand extend into a new product category?

A mature brand is one that has been around for a decade or longer. It has stood the test of time, and the products have been relevant to more than one generation. An example of this might be home-related products that homeowners need to sustain their property. These are products that perhaps the competition has tried to copy unsuccessfully.

A successful mature brand is trusted by consumers, and it makes sense that the company has produced similar products that would appeal to consumers in that market. By extending customer loyalty to new products and developing new product categories, a company can capitalize on the trust consumers have for the brand.

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5c. Analyze the players in an oversaturated consumer category

  • What is market saturation?
  • How do you determine if a market is saturated?
  • How do you determine who the competition is in an oversaturated market?

Market saturation occurs when the sales market is maximized. Growth will most likely only occur if products are updated to meet any current market demands. A company may be able to take existing demand from a competitor, but that may be the only growth opportunity that exists during market saturation. By looking at the company with the top sales in that industry, you can determine who the main competition is, and it is possible that those companies are considering leaving the market because sales have declined. This may be an opportunity for those companies who choose to remain in the industry.

One indicator of market saturation is when a brand does not gain any new or very few new customers for that product category. As this number begins to trickle down, it will be important for a brand manager to recognize the issue and develop a plan of action. This might include whether to stop promoting the product category, attempt to remove competition by taking on those additional customers, or updating the products to be more competitive.

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5d. Evaluate the impact of financial metrics on a brand portfolio analysis

  • What financial metrics should be taken into consideration for a brand portfolio analysis?
  • What are financial metrics?
  • Why is it important to develop a brand portfolio analysis?

Financial metrics are important to consider when developing a brand portfolio analysis because you do not want to put more money into an industry that is on the decline. Financial metrics that might be considered for a brand portfolio analysis are cash flow, profits, and market share. These indicators may help to determine if an industry is on the rise or the decline.

A brand portfolio analysis may be conducted on all brands under one umbrella, and this will help a brand manager to completely understand the productivity of all products that may be sold under that brand. It is an important process that should not be ignored. This process will assess the growth potential of that industry, potential profits, and strengths of the industry.

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5e. Analyze an underdeveloped product category for global potential

  • What is an example of an underdeveloped product category?
  • How can you determine underdeveloped product categories that may have global potential?
  • How can you determine which brands have underdeveloped products?

Underdeveloped product categories are important to analyze so you can determine potential unfulfilled needs in the marketplace. Sometimes you may have a product category that is doing well domestically and may have global potential. These categories should be explored to maximize sales and profit.

An example of an underdeveloped product category might be the technology industry. New technology products are being created and tested. Sometimes, these products are entirely new, and sometimes, they may be an updated version of an old favorite. Many brands have expanded globally to take advantage of additional sales. The Apple iPhone is one of those brands. By selling the phones domestically, Apple made money, but by taking the iPhone global, they began to see higher profits as more phones could be sold.

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Unit 5 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • brand portfolio analysis
  • financial metrics
  • large industry growth potential
  • market saturation
  • underdeveloped product categories

Unit 6: Brand Research and Trends

6a. Evaluate brand attitudes as part of a consumer focus group

  • How can you evaluate brand attitudes?
  • Why are focus groups important in marketing?
  • How can a focus group help you to evaluate attitudes about a brand?

In marketing, consumer focus groups are important for a variety of reasons. They can assist a brand manager in understanding how consumers may feel about certain brands. This type of insight can be useful as you attempt to see how people might use or have specific attitudes about certain products. Once you have a better understanding of these brand attitudes, marketing may become more focused on those key ideas.

Brand attitudes are the attitudes that consumers have about products or the brand. These attitudes are key ideas that may influence how successful or unsuccessful a product may be. By using information from a focus group, a brand manager may better understand the product and then use that information to better market the product.

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6b. Analyze how a qualitative market research project measures brand sentiment

  • What are examples of qualitative market research?
  • How can qualitative market research be used to measure a consumer's attitude?
  • How can brand sentiment be measured?

Qualitative market research can be conducted to assist with understanding consumers' attitudes or sentiments about products and brands. Qualitative market research may consist of direct feedback through focus groups, interviews, ethnographic research, observations, or videos created by users in their homes. This type of research is useful to help understand how people may feel about a brand.

The information gained from qualitative market research can be used to help promote the products or brand. Measuring brand sentiment comes through direct feedback from potential consumers, and this information may be gathered in numerous ways. This can be very useful information to gather, and that information may be used to better understand the product and will assist in marketing.

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6c. Evaluate the importance of a quantitative market research program

  • How can you develop a qualitative market research program?
  • Why is it important to develop a qualitative market research program?
  • What can you do with the information gathered in a qualitative market research program?

As mentioned in the previous section, qualitative market research is useful to assist in understanding consumers' attitudes or sentiments about products and brands. Developing a qualitative market research program may consist of one or more of the following consumer feedback: focus groups, interviews, ethnographic research, observations, or videos created by users in their homes.

By creating a qualitative market research program that is specific to the needs of the brand, a brand manager can tailor the information gathered to assist with understanding how consumers feel about a brand or product.

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6d. Analyze how brand research impacts brand positioning, presentation, and communication to the consumer

  • How might brand research be used in marketing?
  • How can brand research be used in brand positioning, presentation, and consumer communication?
  • Why is it important to conduct brand research?

Brand research helps a brand manager gain insight, create ideas, and potentially achieve a competitive advantage over the competition. By focusing on products, brand research will help to create a strong brand because the information gathered in the research will be used to better promote and focus the marketing for that brand.

Brand research allows a company to impact brand positioning, presentation of the products and brands, and then better communicate that information to the consumer. It is important that the research be conducted prior to developing promotional materials for new products because this information should be added to those materials.

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6e. Evaluate the importance of competitive intelligence scanning as macro trend analysis

  • What is competitive intelligence scanning?
  • How can a brand manager use macro trend analysis?
  • Why is it important to evaluate the importance of competitive intelligence in marketing?

Competitive intelligence scanning is the act of researching the competition and information about their brands and then using that information to better develop the promotion of a brand. By researching the competition, you will have a better idea of how they promote their brand, what their most important points for promotion are, and what potential new trends you may discover.

A macro trend analysis reviews trends in the industry to help better understand brands and how consumers might relate to those brands. These macro trends are important to help you better understand the industry in which your brand survives. It is important to evaluate these trends as potential uses for your own brand promotion. An example of this might be the newly expanding work-from-home trend; a few macro trends might include the use of Zoom for video conferencing or DocuSign to sign documents. These are brands that support the work-from-home trend and have developed as a direct result of the increasing needs of the people who complete this work.

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Unit 6 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • brand attitudes
  • brand research
  • competitive intelligence scanning
  • consumer focus groups
  • qualitative market research
  • macro trend analysis

Unit 7: The Study of Brand Positioning Using Integrated Marketing Communications

7a. Evaluate the impact of a brand's integrated marketing communications in building brand equity

  • How can integrated marketing communications be used to build brand equity?
  • Why would a brand manager want to build brand equity?
  • How does integrated marketing communications impact a brand?

Integrated marketing communications create consistent messages across brand marketing. Systems are developed to produce integrated marketing communications to ensure consistency. Companies use integrated marketing communications to help build brand equity, as the marketing created during this process demonstrates a consistent message throughout the brand.

It is important to understand how integrated marketing communications work so that a brand's equity can be built and all brand marketing is aligned. When a brand manager develops integrated marketing systems to control the message, they decide what message that will be and ensure consistency through processes.

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7b. Explain the results of a brand exploratory analysis from a brand equity/consumer perception listening study

  • How can brand exploratory analysis be used to interpret consumer perception?
  • What is brand exploratory analysis?
  • What is a perception listening study?

Brand exploratory analysis allows a brand manager to understand what a potential customer may think and feel about a product and then what action they might take as a result. This information is useful to help build brand equity and understand the mindset of the consumer. This information is also used to determine what barriers there might be in the consumer thought process as it relates to the product or brand.

A perception listening study is a process set up by a brand manager to understand the mindset of a potential consumer as they use the product that will be promoted. This process will allow the brand manager to better understand the benefits, potential barriers, and attitudes of the brand or product.

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7c. Analyze consumer sentiment through social listening techniques to identify shifts in consumer perceptions

  • What is consumer sentiment as it relates to a brand?
  • How does a consumer's perception change?
  • How can social listening techniques be applied to consumer sentiment?

Consumer sentiment encompasses numerous feelings and attitudes about a brand or products of that brand. These attitudes might include values, behaviors, or motivations about the product. For example, a strong connection to the brand may bring strong feelings and loyalty to the brand.

Social listening techniques may be used to better understand the consumer and their perceptions. By listening to a potential customer as they describe a product or brand and picking up on key phrases or attitudes, a brand manager may gain deeper insight into consumer perceptions and any shifts or changes in that perception over time.

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7d. Analyze collected data from available websites and public sources to determine consumer sentiment

  • How can social media be used to determine consumer sentiment?
  • What data might be gleaned from social media to determine consumer sentiment?
  • What websites and public sources might data be collected to help determine consumer sentiment?

Social media is one way a brand manager may be able to gather information to better determine consumer sentiment. Consumers may like a product, make comments about that product, or express frustrations about certain aspects of the product. All of this is great data to collect to determine what features and benefits to focus on in the marketing of that product.

Other websites or public sources may also be used to collect similar data. These might include government websites, websites that offer reviews of specific products (with a comment section), or numerous social media sites. All of these websites may give a brand manager a better understanding of the brand and how consumers feel about the brand.

To review, see:


7e. Evaluate the consumer response to a brand positioning relaunch strategy to determine impact on sales

  • What is a brand positioning relaunch strategy?
  • How does a relaunch strategy impact sales?
  • Why is it important to evaluate a consumer response to a brand?

When a company decides that a branch needs to be relaunched, it may occur for a variety of reasons. A brand positioning relaunch strategy may be developed to determine what needs to change. These might include logos or styles and include public statements as well. These brand positioning relaunches may impact sales as they move to change with the times. At times, the brand positioning relaunch may occur to increase sales or gain additional customers.

For example, Washington Federal, Inc. bank completed a brand positioning relaunch a few years ago and is now called WaFd. Their logo changed, marketing was updated, and their mission statement was shortened as a result. This may be in response to the change in culture in the United States when many words were being shortened or combined.

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Unit 7 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • brand exploratory analysis
  • brand positioning relaunch strategy
  • consumer sentiment
  • integrated marketing communications
  • perception listening study
  • social listening techniques
  • social media

Unit 8: Consumer Relationship Management (CRM)

8a. Compare brand association models, distinguishing between functional and emotional brand relationships

  • How are brand association models used in marketing?
  • How can you distinguish between functional and emotional brand relationships?
  • Why is it important to consider emotions in branding?

It may be important to associate brand models with customer loyalty, and a few associations are consumer behavior, motivational influences, and intentional choice. By aligning these brand association models to measure customer loyalty, you may distinguish reasons why a consumer might make a purchase. Each of these influences may determine how a consumer might make a connection to a product or brand.

For example, when a consumer has an emotional connection to a brand, they may be more likely to make a purchase. Bath and Body Works is the perfect example of this because people connect scents to childhood memories or happy times in their lives. By making this connection, a consumer is much more likely to purchase a product or remain loyal to a brand they have such a strong connection to.

To review, see:


8b. Evaluate how successful brands create active and lasting customer relationships using consumer behavior modeling

  • How can consumer behavior modeling be used in marketing?
  • What is an example of how a brand may create loyal customers?
  • Can consumer behavior modeling predict a consumer's buying habits?

Consumer behavior modeling may be used to predict a consumer's buying habits, behavior patterns, or loyalty to a brand. Buyer behavior may be determined by some demographics, including education, personal interests, background, or life goals. If a brand can make a connection with a consumer based on buyer behavior, then it may be able to create customer loyalty as well.

The retail store REI makes a strong connection with consumers because of their love of the outdoors, and this connection may be based on their childhood behavior and a sense of trying to reconnect with those memories. By creating marketing that is specific to that love of the outdoors and using promotions that utilize outdoors and the use of equipment, REI has created a loyal consumer base.

To review, see:


8c. Apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to evaluate luxury and mass brands in the marketplace

  • How can Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs be related to a brand?
  • What is an example of using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in marketing?
  • How can Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs be applied to a mass brand?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has been used in marketing to help understand why consumers buy or what behavior might help predict purchases. By having the basic needs of food and shelter met, a consumer is then able to concentrate on higher-order needs in their life. These levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs include love, self-esteem, and self-actualization. Brands that assist in helping the consumer meet these higher needs may find a way to connect with the consumer on that level.

For example, self-esteem needs might include showing others that the consumer has achieved a certain level of success in their life, and this consumer may want to show that with a more expensive car, new clothes, or a new house. This is an example of how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs may be used in the luxury or mass brands market.

To review, see:


8d. Apply the segmentation model to design multiple consumer segments and geographies among diverse populations

  • How can the segmentation model be used in marketing?
  • What is an example of using geography to segment a market?
  • How can you use segmentation to diversify the consumer market?

A segmentation model is one way of dividing your consumer base into groups. For example, to sell a home, you may target current homeowners in a particular geographic location. You may also use demographics to determine the education levels of consumers for a potential degree program. By segmenting the market, you can focus on a specific consumer population and ensure that your marketing is very specific to the market you would like to reach.

Demographics can also be used to pinpoint age, sex, race, income, marital status, employment industry, etc.. By using demographics to segment your market, you can create a potentially diverse consumer population to market your brand. The more specific you can be with your target market, the easier it will be to market to that consumer base.

To review, see:


8e. Explain how brand managers use CRM analysis to gauge brand awareness, attitudes, and behaviors

  • What is CRM, and how does it relate to marketing?
  • How can you better understand brand awareness?
  • Why is it important to understand a consumer's brand awareness, attitudes, and behaviors?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a data drive software that helps companies maintain customer information and build their relationship with customers. Some types of CRM are used by almost every company. This system helps to track data, sales, customer information, and purchase history and can assist in predicting consumer behavior.

CRM can also help a brand manager to better understand consumers' brand awareness, attitudes, and behaviors. For example, a young couple begins to have children and, at some point, will most likely purchase a home or buy a minivan. This pattern of behavior will occur as a natural succession in their lives, and a brand manager can use this information to help predict those needs.

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Unit 8 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • brand association models
  • consumer behavior modeling
  • customer relationship management (CRM)
  • demographics
  • geographics
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  • segmentation mode

Unit 9: User Experience (UX)

9a. Evaluate the UX process from a brand management perspective

  • What is UX, and how can it be used from the perspective of maintaining a brand?
  • Why is it important to understand the UX?
  • What is an example of how the UX can be understood?

The user experience (UX) occurs when a consumer uses and interacts with a product or brand. The experience or efficiency level with that product or brand can be measured by a brand manager. This might occur in a focus group, interview, or through a personal review of the product or brand.

Understanding the UX is important for a brand manager because it will give a better understanding of the interaction between the consumer and the product, and this information can be used to promote the product. For example, if a young consumer with a new cell phone uses that cell phone in a way that is different from an older consumer, then those differences might be used in marketing to show all users the various ways the phone can be used.

To review, see:


9b. Analyze the assumptions behind a UX study

  • Why is it important to conduct a UX study?
  • How can you conduct a UX study?
  • What assumptions might occur during a UX study?

Understanding the user experience is detrimental to the brand and promotion of that brand in marketing today. It is important to observe that experience to gain a better understanding of how a consumer might relate to the product or brand. This understanding will then assist the brand manager in creating the appropriate marketing that is specific to the product.

Conducting a UX study through a focus group, interviews, or perhaps through personal reviews is an easy way to gain a better understanding of the consumer experience. A brand manager may make certain assumptions prior to creating a consumer focus group to observe the UX, and it is important to keep an open mind during this process so that objective opinions can be formed.

To review, see:


9c. Evaluate design thinking processes

  • What is the design thinking process, and how can it be applied to the brand?
  • How can the design thinking process be applied to the brand development process?
  • Why is it important to understand the design thinking process?

The design thinking process is important for product design and may also be applied to the brand development process as well. The design thinking process steps include: empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing. The design thinking process is also directly connected to the brand equity process in that the better the design, the better the product and sales will follow.

A brand manager is not a product creator, but by understanding the design thinking process and then connecting it to the brand development process or understanding how it is connected to the equity of the brand, they can better understand the entire process and how they are all connected.

To review, see:


9d. Evaluate how a UX site map improves the consumer experience

  • What is a UX site map, and why is it important?
  • Why should a brand have a UX site map?
  • How can a UX sitemap improve the consumer experience?

The user experience is important to the brand and promotion of that brand. By observing the UX to gain a better understanding of how a consumer might relate to the product or brand, a brand manager can better develop the marketing behind the product or the brand. A UX site map may be useful for the user to fully understand the product they may purchase. All websites use site maps to guide people around the site, and typically, this is viewed as sections or different pages on the website. These links help users to find the information they need.

For products that may be more complicated, a UX site map may also be required. For example, when a user begins to use a new cell phone, they may not understand the basics of using that phone, but a site map may be useful to get them started or help them understand different features they may not even be aware of. This site map may be in the form of a video, insert included with the product, or available on the brand website.

To review, see:


9e. Evaluate the importance of the user journey

  • Why is it important to study the user journey?
  • How can the user journey help a brand manager?
  • How is the user journey related to the brand?

Evaluating the user journey is important to understand, so the brand manager can use this information to future develop the brand and use it in marketing for that brand. Evaluating the user journey may be conducted in a variety of ways. These might include a focus group, interviews, be witnessed through video reviews, or an evaluation on social media.

With technology today, there are various ways a brand manager might observe the user's journey and use that information to boost the brand or create creative promotions for the brand. A video may even be created that demonstrates the user's journey in less than a minute or two. This information is important for other users as they begin to use the product or brand themselves.

To review, see:


Unit 9 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • design thinking process
  • user experience (UX)
  • user journey
  • UX site map
  • UX study

Unit 10: Technology and Brand Management

10a. Use prescriptive technology to evaluate brand management decision-making

  • How can prescriptive technology be used in marketing?
  • Why should prescriptive technology be used by a brand manager?
  • How does prescriptive technology influence brand management decision-making?

Prescriptive technology (also known as prescriptive analytics) is a process of analyzing data to improve the marketing of the brand and produce better results. It is important for a brand manager to understand prescriptive technology to create better brand information that may allow the consumer to become loyal to the brand.

By understanding and analyzing the data analytics gathered from your user experience research (pilot studies, interviews, or consumer reviews) study about the brand, you can apply that research directly to marketing. This information should allow for a better customer experience and a better plan to develop and maintain the brand.

To review, see:


10b. Analyze how predictive technology enhances CRM

  • How can predictive technology enhance CRM?
  • Why would you want to use predictive technology to enhance CRM?
  • What is an example of using predictive technology to enhance CRM?

Predictive technology is software or tools used to better understand patterns in data while remaining focused on the original data. For example, using the data gathered from your user experience research (pilot studies, interviews, or consumer reviews) and utilizing tools to look at that data in a different way (charts, figures, etc.), you may collect new information not seen before that can be applied directly to updates to the brand.

Gathering data about the product or brand is always a good idea, and analyzing that information should allow for a better consumer experience and a detailed plan to develop and maintain the brand. This process also allows for a better consumer experience that can be used in the CRM system, and it will help to develop a better relationship with the customer.

To review, see:


10c. Evaluate the use of customer relationship management (CRM) software

  • How can CRM software be used to better the brand?
  • Why should you understand CRM software as it relates to marketing?
  • What can CRM software do from a marketing perspective?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a data drive software that assists a company to utilize customer information and build customer relationships. Every company uses a CRM system, but the software or system used may be different. These systems are typically used by all departments as customer information is recorded and then can be analyzed in numerous ways.

CRM software helps to track customer data, sales, basic information, and purchase history, and it can be used by marketing to assist in predicting patterns in purchases. In addition, various reports may be created with the information that has been inputted into the CRM software over time. This data can be used to assist in marketing and developing the brand.

To review, see:


10d. Analyze how predictive technology measures consumer behavior

  • How can predictive technology help to measure consumer behavior?
  • Why is it important to understand consumer behavior?
  • What can predictive technology do for marketing?

Predictive technology can be used to better understand patterns in data while remaining focused on the original data; this is a form of data analytics. A brand manager can use data from any existing user experience research (pilot studies, interviews, or consumer reviews) and use predictive tools to review that data in a different way.

This data may be useful information that may predict consumer behavior and be used in consumer marketing. Consumer behavior is important to understanding marketing and may give insight into the consumer thought process. Predictive analysis may be gained from consumer online information or searches or through conducting consumer research.

To review, see:


10e. Evaluate brand data using predictive technology

  • How can a brand manager use brand data?
  • How can predictive technology be used to evaluate brand data?
  • Why is it important to evaluate brand data?

A brand manager may gather consumer data and research through pilot studies, interviews, or consumer reviews. This brand data is useful and may be used to predict consumer behavior. Using predictive technology might be used to analyze brand data and assist in targeting the marketing to the consumer.

Predictive technology is a form of data analytics that can be used to better understand patterns in data while remaining focused on the original data. A brand manager may use existing research and predictive tools to review that data in a different way and use the results to better the brand or create additional marketing.

To review, see:


Unit 10 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • brand data
  • consumer behavior
  • customer relationship management (CRM) software
  • predictive technology
  • prescriptive technology