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Topic outline

  • Unit 6: Information Systems in Society and the World

    The reach of information systems extends well beyond the world of business. Today it is nearly as easy to communicate with someone on the other side of the world as it is to talk to someone next door. New technologies create situations that society has never dealt with before. How do we handle the unique capabilities that these technologies enable? Will societies need new laws or social mores to protect us from ourselves regarding technology?

    We will conclude with a look at the future of MIS. After studying the security issues and failures of various systems, the outlook can seem bleak. Wherever there is a problem in MIS, there are opportunities to find profitable solutions.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 13 hours.

    • Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

      • explain the concept of globalization;
      • describe the role of information technology in globalization;
      • identify the issues experienced by firms as they face a global economy;
      • describe Nielsen's three stages of the digital divide;
      • describe what the term information systems ethics means;
      • identify criteria for the ethical use of information systems;
      • define intellectual property;
      • explain the protections provided by copyright, patent, and trademark;
      • describe the challenges that information technology brings to individual privacy; and
      • describe future trends in information systems.
    • 6.1: Globalization

      • This chapter reviews the role that information technologies have had in the globalization of our world. As you read, pay attention to the many positive and negative changes that globalization has brought.

      • As you watch this keynote, focus on the impact that information technology has had on globalization. Which of the "flatteners" do you think is having the biggest impact today? What other concepts from the video stood out to you as important?

    • 6.2: Ethical and Legal Implications of Information Systems

      • In this chapter, you will learn how the ubiquity of information systems today compels us to act ethically and legally. As you read, consider the sorts of ethical questions that we must ask ourselves now that did not exist before. How does this affect you personally?

      • This text provides a comprehensive overview of how information systems relate to ethics. While reading, consider the relationship between ethical action and legal remedies. Many people think that the ethical issues raised by new technologies are just the same issues in a new form. Do you agree or disagree? Has technology created a new class of ethical issues? What are the difficulties raised by creating new laws and regulations to solve these issues?

      • As you read this article, reflect on how our expectations of privacy have changed over the past few generations. After you read, take some time to think about the activities you engage in that could be subject to data collection. Does this bother you? What do you do to limit the data collected from your online activity? Write an essay of two or three paragraphs summarizing your thoughts.

    • 6.3: The Future of MIS

      • This chapter gives an overview of the trends in information systems. As you read, think about which of these trends may affect you the most. Are you excited for or apprehensive of any of these trends?

      • Mary Meeker, a venture capitalist and the head of Bond Capital, presented her research on the upcoming trends in Internet technologies in 2016. Her yearly presentation has become quite an industry event and a trend in itself.  As you watch, identify two or three key trends that interest you most.

      • This video explores how blockchain technology may transform networking systems.

      • Unit 6 Assessment

        • Take this assessment to see how well you understood this unit.

          • This assessment does not count towards your grade. It is just for practice!
          • You will see the correct answers when you submit your answers. Use this to help you study for the final exam!
          • You can take this assessment as many times as you want, whenever you want.