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Read this section to learn how to apply the Chain Rule. Work through practice problems 1-8.

Some Applied Problems

Now we can examine applications which involve more complicated functions.

Example 4: A ball at the end of a rubber band (Fig. 1) is oscillating up and down, and its height 

(in feet) above the floor at time t seconds is h(t)=5+2 \sin (t / 2). (t is in radians)

(a) How fast is the ball travelling after 2 seconds? after 4 seconds? after 60 seconds?

(b) Is the ball moving up or down after 2 seconds? after 4 seconds? after 60 seconds?

(c) Is the vertical velocity of the ball ever 0?

Solution: (a) v(t)=D(h(t))=D(5+2 \sin (t / 2))

                =2 \cos (t / 2) \mathbf{D}(t / 2)=\cos (t / 2) feet/second so

                v(2)=\cos (2 / 2) \approx 0.540 \mathrm{ft} / \mathrm{s}, \mathrm{v}(4)=\cos (4 / 2) \approx-0.416 \mathrm{ft} / \mathrm{s}, and

                v(60)=\cos (60 / 2) \approx 0.154 \mathrm{ft} / \mathrm{s}

(b) The ball is moving upward when \mathrm{t}=2 and 60 seconds, downward when \mathrm{t}=4.

(c) v(t)=\cos (t / 2) and \cos (t / 2)=0 when t=\pi \pm n \cdot 2 \pi \quad(n=1,2, \ldots).

Example 5: If 2400 people now have a disease, and the number of people with the disease appears to double every 3 years, then the number of people expected to have the disease in \mathrm{t} years is \mathrm{y}=2400 \cdot 2^{\mathrm{t} / 3}.

(a) How many people are expected to have the disease in 2 years?

(b) When are 50,000 people expected to have the disease?

(c) How fast is the number of people with the disease expected to grow now and 2 years from now?

Solution: (a) In 2 years, y=2400 \cdot 2^{2 / 3} \approx 3,810 people.

(b) We know \mathrm{y}=50,000, and we need to solve 50,000=2400 \cdot 2^{\mathrm{t} / 3} for \mathrm{t}. Taking logarithms of each side of the equation, \ln (50,000)=\ln \left(2400 \cdot 2^{t / 3}\right)=\ln (2400)+(t / 3) \cdot \ln (2) so 10.819=7.783+.231 \mathrm{t} \quad and \mathrm{t} \approx 13.14 years. We expect 50,000 people to have the disease about 13.14 years from now.

(c) This is asking for \mathrm{dy} / \mathrm{dt} when \mathrm{t}=0 and 2 years. \frac{\mathrm{dy}}{\mathrm{dt}}=\frac{\mathrm{d}\left(2400 \cdot 2^{\mathrm{t} / 3}\right)}{\mathrm{dt}}=2400 \cdot 2^{\mathrm{t} / 3} \cdot \ln (2) \cdot(1 / 3) \approx 554.5 \cdot 2^{\mathrm{t} / 3}. Now, at \mathrm{t}=0, the rate of growth of the disease is approximately 554.5 \cdot 2^{0} \approx 554.5 people/year. In 2 years the rate of growth will be approximately 554.5 \cdot 2^{2 / 3} \approx 880 people/year.

Example 6: You are riding in a balloon, and at time \mathrm{t} (in minutes) you are \mathrm{h}(\mathrm{t})=\mathrm{t}+\sin (\mathrm{t}) feet high. If the temperature at an elevation \mathrm{h} is \mathrm{T}(\mathrm{h})=\frac{72}{1+\mathrm{h}} \quad degrees Fahrenheit, then how fast is your temperature changing when \mathrm{t}=5 minutes? (Fig. 2)

Solution: As \mathrm{t} changes, your elevation will change, and, as your elevation changes, so will your temperature. It is not difficult to write the temperature as a function of time, and then we could calculate

\frac{\mathrm{d} \mathrm{T}(\mathrm{t})}{\mathrm{dt}}=\mathrm{T}^{\prime}(\mathrm{t}) and evaluate \mathrm{T}^{\prime}(5), or we could use the Chain Rule:

\frac{\mathbf{d} \mathrm{T}(\mathrm{t})}{\mathbf{d} \mathbf{t}}=\frac{\mathbf{d} \mathrm{T}(\mathrm{h}(\mathrm{t}))}{\mathbf{d} \mathrm{h}(\mathrm{t})} \cdot \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathrm{h}(\mathrm{t})}{\mathrm{dt}}=\frac{\mathbf{d} \mathrm{T}(\mathrm{h})}{\mathbf{d} \mathrm{h}} \cdot \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathrm{h}(\mathrm{t})}{\mathrm{dt}}=\frac{-72}{(1+\mathrm{h})^{2}} \cdot(1+\cos (\mathrm{t}))

When t=5, then h(t)=5+\sin (5) \approx 4.04 so T^{\prime}(5) \approx \frac{-72}{(1+4.04)^{2}} \cdot(1+.284) \approx-3.64^{\circ} / minute.

Practice 4: Write the temperature \mathrm{T} in the previous example as a function of the variable \mathrm{t} alone and then differentiate \mathrm{T} to determine the value of \mathrm{dT} / \mathrm{dt} when \mathrm{t}=5 minutes.

Example 7: A scientist has determined that, under optimum conditions, an initial population of 40 bacteria will grow "exponentially" to \mathrm{f}(\mathrm{t})=40 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{t} / 5} bacteria after \mathrm{t} hours.

(a) Graph \mathrm{y}=\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{t}) for 0 \leq \mathrm{t} \leq 15. Calculate \mathrm{f}(0), \mathrm{f}(5), \mathrm{f}(10).

(b) How fast is the population increasing at time t ? (Find f^{\prime}(t)).

(c) Show that the rate of population increase, f^{\prime}(t), is proportional to the population, f(t), at any time t. \quad (Show \mathrm{f}^{\prime}(\mathrm{t})=\mathrm{K} \cdot \mathrm{f}(\mathrm{t}) for some constant \mathrm{K}).

Solution: (a) The graph of \mathrm{y}=\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{t}) is given in Fig. 3. \mathrm{f}(0)=40 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{0 / 5}=40 bacteria. \mathrm{f}(5)=40 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{5 / 5} \approx 109 bacteria and f(10)=40 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{10 / 5} \approx 296 bacteria.

(b) f^{\prime}(t)=\frac{\mathbf{d}}{d t}(f(t))=\frac{\mathbf{d}}{d t}\left(40 \cdot e^{\mathrm{t} / 5}\right)=40 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{t} / 5} \frac{\mathbf{d}}{\mathbf{d} t}(\mathrm{t} / 5)

=40 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{t} / 5}(1 / 5)=8 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{t} / 5} bacteria/hour.

(c) \quad \mathrm{f}^{\prime}(\mathrm{t})=8 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{t} / 5}=\frac{1}{5} \cdot\left(40 \cdot \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{t} / 5}\right)=\frac{1}{5} \mathrm{f}(\mathrm{t}) so \mathrm{f}^{\prime}(\mathrm{t})=\mathrm{K} \cdot \mathrm{f}(\mathrm{t}) with \mathrm{K}=1 / 5.