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Read this chapter on ethics in the sales field. It will help frame some key issues to consider when thinking about ethics.

Selling Yourself: Selling Your Personal Brand Ethically – Résumés and References

You have been asked to submit your résumé because your roommate knows someone in the marketing department at a major national food company. You want this job, but you are concerned that you do not have the qualifications yet. As you work on your résumé, you exercise your creativity: "cashier" becomes "marketing representative." You add to your skills "management of personnel" – of course, you do not have any management experience, but you just know you will be good at it. By the time you have finished, you are surprised to realize that, looking at your résumé, you do not recognize yourself. Maybe this truth-stretching exercise was not such a good idea.

Behaving ethically throughout the hiring process only strengthens your personal brand – and that is just good business.

Selling Yourself versus Stretching the Truth about Your Background and Experience

When you create your résumé, you are selling yourself to potential employers; where do you draw the line between putting your best foot forward and stretching the truth past the breaking point? The difference between "attended Pacific Coast Baptist College" and "received degrees in theology and psychology from Pacific Coast Baptist College" can be the difference between a successful tenure and an embarrassing resignation, as former RadioShack CEO David Edmondson discovered in 2006.

Edmondson, by claiming that he had earned degrees he had not (and, in one case, a degree not even offered by the college), set the stage for the embarrassing scandal that cost him his job. It can be tempting to gamble on the likelihood that an employer will not do a background check – but even if you get away with a fib once or twice, it is not something you should bet on for your entire career. Social networking will out you.

The Internet has led to professional networks that are incredibly far-reaching; your boss may have a connection on LinkedIn to a manager at the company you pretend to have interned for. And, of course, lying on your résumé is unethical; you should sell yourself, not an exaggerated version of yourself.

Your experiences as a waitress, cashier, retail store salesperson, babysitter, or any other part-time or summer job can be valuable on your résumé. Being able to demonstrate that you can multitask under pressure, resolve problems quickly to customers' satisfaction, be responsible, or increase sales are the types of skills that prospective employers are looking for from entry-level employees. Use your experience to tell a story about what makes you different and delivers value to your prospective employer.

For example, if you want to pursue a career in finance, your experience handling money and balancing the cash drawer at the end of the day is important to highlight on your résumé. It is also a good idea to put your most important and relevant internships or jobs first on your résumé rather than adhering to the traditional chronological order. Since you are just beginning your career, your most important jobs can be listed first. When you gain more experience, it is better to use the chronological format. The bottom line is that you have a brand story on your résumé; no matter your background, you do not need to stretch the truth.

Prospective employers want to see evidence that you are hardworking and have done things to distinguish yourself by holding part-time jobs, completing internships, participating in professional organizations, performing community service, and gaining other experiences. But one thing to remember about entry-level positions in virtually every industry is that none of the hiring companies expects you to come in and do the job from day one. The company will train you to do the job it wants to do. That does not mean you will not be asked to "jump in" and do things because you will. But companies do not expect you to have the skills and experience you will have after a few years of working. So use your résumé to sell yourself in an honest but compelling way.

Asking References to Speak about Your Personal Brand

References are people you can rely on to speak on your behalf. Personal references are people like aunts or family friends. Professional references are usually supervisors, professors, or managers. While some prospective employers may accept personal references, you should have at least three professional references available if a prospective employer asks for them.

When choosing references, be sure the people you have in mind have good things to say about you. You should keep in touch with your former boss from your internship or summer job. People you have had a good working relationship with can be excellent references. It is always best to contact the person you want to serve as a reference in person or on the phone. That way, you will be able to let them know exactly how much you respect them, and it will help you cement your professional relationship. If they show any kind of hesitation, you may not want to use them as a reference.

When you speak to a prospective reference, be professional and specific. Here is an example of a conversation you might have with a professor you ask to be a reference. If you are asking a professor, it is best to make an appointment or stop by his office.

You: Dr. Feng, I wanted to stop by and update you on my job search.
Dr. Feng: Great. I would like to hear about what companies you are interested in.
You: Well, I have been trying to get a sales position at one of the pharmaceutical companies in the city. I think that is what I would like to do since I enjoy sales and am very interested in science and medicine. So I have sent my cover letter and résumé to all the pharmaceutical companies, and I have a second interview with Ainion Pharmaceuticals next Thursday. I was wondering if you would be a reference for me. They are looking for a sales assistant – someone who is organized, analytical, good with follow-up, and a creative thinker. I thought that you might be able to speak about my work for the research practicum. I think it is a great example of my work ethic and drive, as well as my attention to detail and ability to solve problems with creativity.
Dr. Feng: I would be happy to speak on your behalf. It sounds like the position could be a good fit for your skills. I will let you know when someone from the company contacts me.
You: Dr. Feng, thank you very much. I appreciate all that you have done to help me start my career. I will let you know how the interview goes on Thursday.

Once you know whom you would like for your references, ask them. This is not a situation in which you want to surprise people. Instead, talk with each person; you should personally speak with each person, preferably in person or by phone as opposed to by e-mail. (By all means, avoid the group email requesting references.) Explain what the job is that you are applying for and ask for their permission to list them as a reference. Always personally thank each of your references, even if you do not get the job. Express your gratitude – preferably in a handwritten note, but at least email them and let them know how things turned out. Do not feel you let down your references if you do not get the job. Each of your references was in your situation at one point, and she did not get an offer from every job interview. Stay positive and keep in touch with your references. They will appreciate it, and you will keep your professional network strong.

If your potential employer wants references, they will ask for them; you should have them prepared, but they should not be listed on your résumé.

You Have Got the Power: Tips for Your Job Search

Reference Checks

When you are asked to provide references, you must provide for each reference: their full name, job title, employer, mailing address, phone number, email address, and relationship to you. Have the information collected in a professional document (see Figure 4.4 Sample References).

Remember to get someone's permission before listing them as a reference every time; the fact that your internship supervisor was willing to be a reference two years ago does not mean you can take their assent for granted in the future. Your references are chosen to be advocates for you – in return for their generosity of spirit, do them the courtesy of asking whether they are still willing to speak well of you.

Figure 4.4 Sample References

Figure 4.4 Sample References

Letters of Recommendation

As you go through classes and internships, collect letters of recommendation for your portfolio; such letters demonstrate that people think highly of you. When you finish a class in which you did well, ask your professor for a letter of recommendation. When you finish an internship, ask your supervisor. Not only will these letters demonstrate your credibility, they will help to build your confidence. It is a good idea to ask each of your references to write a letter of recommendation for you. That way you can bring the letters to your interview to demonstrate the support you have from professionals. This video gives you more insight into using letter of recommendation in addition to your list of references.

Don't hesitate to reread your letters after you ave had a career setback. If you are going to effectively sell yourself, you need to believe in your personal brand. A reminder that Dr. Messimer thinks that you are awesome could be just the pick-me-up you need in order to dust yourself off and reenter the job market with aplomb.

Key Takeaways

  • Lying on your résumé is not ethical and can have catastrophic consequences for your career.

  • It is in your best interests to market yourself on your résumé - list your internships first, then your jobs, including any "nonprofessional" jobs that are important to the history of your personal brand.

  • Personal references are family and friends; professional references are people whom you have worked with, and are vastly more important.

  • Have at least three professional references available. Present your references only if asked for them; do not include them on your résumé.

  • Speak to each of your references before you provide their name and contact information to a prospective employer. Get their permission, thank them, and let them know how things worked out.

  • Letters of recommendation are important testaments to your character and abilities; when you finish an internship or a class, ask your supervisor or professor for a letter of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are excellent to present with your list of references.