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The Document interface is an interface for web documents. It represents a document as a logical tree and has different properties and methods you can access as you build. 

Instance properties

This interface also inherits from the Node and EventTarget interfaces.

Document.activeElement Read only

Returns the Element that currently has focus.


Add an array of constructed stylesheets to be used by the document. These stylesheets may also be shared with shadow DOM subtrees of the same document.


Returns the <body> or <frameset> node of the current document.

Document.characterSet Read only

Returns the character set being used by the document.

Document.childElementCount Read only

Returns the number of child elements of the current document.

Document.children Read only

Returns the child elements of the current document.

Document.compatMode Read only

Indicates whether the document is rendered in quirks or strict mode.

Document.contentType Read only

Returns the Content-Type from the MIME Header of the current document.

Document.currentScript Read only

Returns the <script> element whose script is currently being processed and isn't a JavaScript module.

Document.doctype Read only

Returns the Document Type Definition (DTD) of the current document.

Document.documentElement Read only

Returns the Element that is a direct child of the document. For HTML documents, this is normally the HTMLHtmlElement object representing the document's <html> element.

Document.documentURI Read only

Returns the document location as a string.

Document.embeds Read only

Returns an HTMLCollection of the embedded <embed> elements in the document.

Document.firstElementChild Read only

Returns the first child element of the current document.


Returns the FontFaceSet interface of the current document.

Document.forms Read only

Returns an HTMLCollection of the <form> elements in the document.

Document.fragmentDirective Read only Experimental

Returns the FragmentDirective for the current document.

Document.fullscreenElement Read only

The element that's currently in full screen mode for this document.

Document.head Read only

Returns the <head> element of the current document.

Document.hidden Read only

Returns a Boolean value indicating if the page is considered hidden or not.

Document.images Read only

Returns an HTMLCollection of the images in the document.

Document.implementation Read only

Returns the DOM implementation associated with the current document.

Document.lastElementChild Read only

Returns the last child element of the current document.

Document.links Read only

Returns an HTMLCollection of the hyperlinks in the document.

Document.pictureInPictureElement Read only

Returns the Element currently being presented in picture-in-picture mode in this document.

Document.pictureInPictureEnabled Read only

Returns true if the picture-in-picture feature is enabled.

Document.plugins Read only

Returns an HTMLCollection of the available plugins.

Document.pointerLockElement Read only

Returns the element set as the target for mouse events while the pointer is locked. null if lock is pending, pointer is unlocked, or if the target is in another document.

Document.featurePolicy Experimental Read only

Returns the FeaturePolicy interface which provides a simple API for introspecting the feature policies applied to a specific document.

Document.scripts Read only

Returns an HTMLCollection of the <script> elements in the document.

Document.scrollingElement Read only

Returns a reference to the Element that scrolls the document.

Document.styleSheets Read only

Returns a StyleSheetList of CSSStyleSheet objects for stylesheets explicitly linked into, or embedded in a document.

Document.timeline Read only

Returns timeline as a special instance of DocumentTimeline that is automatically created on page load.

Document.visibilityState Read only

Returns a string denoting the visibility state of the document. Possible values are visible, hidden, prerender, and unloaded.

Extensions for HTMLDocument

The Document interface for HTML documents inherits from the HTMLDocument interface or is extended for such documents.


Returns a semicolon-separated list of the cookies for that document or sets a single cookie.

Document.defaultView Read only

Returns a reference to the window object.


Gets/sets the ability to edit the whole document.


Gets/sets directionality (rtl/ltr) of the document.

Document.domain Deprecated

Gets/sets the domain of the current document.

Document.fullscreenEnabled Read only

Indicates whether fullscreen mode is available.

Document.lastModified Read only

Returns the date on which the document was last modified.

Document.location Read only

Returns the URI of the current document.

Document.readyState Read only

Returns loading status of the document.

Document.referrer Read only

Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page.


Sets or gets the title of the current document.

Document.URL Read only

Returns the document location as a string.

Deprecated properties

Document.alinkColor Deprecated

Returns or sets the color of active links in the document body.

Document.all Deprecated

Provides access to all elements in the document - it returns anHTMLAllCollection rooted at the document node. This is a legacy, non-standard property and should not be used.

Document.anchors Deprecated Read only

Returns a list of all of the anchors in the document.

Document.applets Deprecated Read only

Returns an empty HTMLCollection. Legacy property that used to return the list of applets within a document.

Document.bgColor Deprecated

Gets/sets the background color of the current document.

Document.charset Deprecated Read only

Alias of Document.characterSet. Use this property instead.

Document.fgColor Deprecated

Gets/sets the foreground color, or text color, of the current document.

Document.fullscreen Deprecated

true when the document is in fullscreen mode.

Document.height Non-standard Deprecated

Gets/sets the height of the current document.

Document.inputEncoding Deprecated Read only

Alias of Document.characterSet. Use this property instead.

Document.lastStyleSheetSet Deprecated Read only Non-standard

Returns the name of the style sheet set that was last enabled. Has the value null until the style sheet is changed by setting the value of selectedStyleSheetSet.

Document.linkColor Deprecated

Gets/sets the color of hyperlinks in the document.

Document.preferredStyleSheetSet Deprecated Read only Non-standard

Returns the preferred style sheet set as specified by the page author.

Document.rootElement Deprecated

Like Document.documentElement, but only for <svg> root elements. Use this property instead.

Document.selectedStyleSheetSet Deprecated Non-standard

Returns which style sheet set is currently in use.

Document.styleSheetSets Deprecated Read only Non-standard

Returns a list of the style sheet sets available on the document.

Document.vlinkColor Deprecated

Gets/sets the color of visited hyperlinks.

Document.width Non-standard Deprecated

Returns the width of the current document.

Document.xmlEncoding Deprecated

Returns the encoding as determined by the XML declaration.

Document.xmlStandalone Deprecated

Returns true if the XML declaration specifies the document to be standalone (e.g., An external part of the DTD affects the document's content), else false.

Document.xmlVersion Deprecated

Returns the version number as specified in the XML declaration or "1.0" if the declaration is absent.