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Read this article on the Mali Empire. What enabled its rise to power? And what territory did it control?


The Mansa's defeat actually won Manden the respect of Morocco and may have saved it from Songhai's fate. It would be the Mandinka themselves that would cause the final destruction of the Empire. Around 1610, Mahmud IV died. Oral tradition states that he had three sons who fought over Manden's remains. No single person ever ruled Manden after Mahmuud IV's death, resulting in the end of the Mali Empire forever.[13]

Map of West Africa, ca. 1736, by H. Moll, "explaining what belongs to England, Holland, Denmark, etc." Note the confusion of

Map of West Africa, ca. 1736, by H. Moll, "explaining what belongs to England, Holland, Denmark, etc." Note the confusion of geography, where the Senegal River and the Niger River are shown as the same.

Manden Divided

The old core of the empire was divided into three spheres of influence. Kangaba, the de facto capital of Manden since the time of the last emperor, became the capital of the northern sphere. The Joma area, governed by Siguiri, controlled the central region, which encompassed Niani. Hamana or Amana, southwest of Joma, became the southern sphere with its capital at Kouroussa in modern Guinea.[13] Each ruler used the title of Mansa, but their authority only extended as far as their own sphere of influence.

Despite this disunity in the realm, the Manden Kurufa survived into the mid-17th century. The three states warred on each other as much, if not more, than they did against outsiders, but rivalries generally stopped when faced with invasion. This trend would continue into colonial times against Tukulor's enemies from the West.

The Bamana Jihad

Then, in 1630, the Bamana of Djenné declared their version of holy war on all Muslim powers in present-day Mali. They targeted Moroccan Pashas still in Timbuktu and the mansas of Manden. In 1645, the Bamana attacked Manden seizing both banks of the Niger right up to Niani. This campaign gutted Manden and destroyed any hope of the three Mansas cooperating to free their land. The only Mandinka power spared from the campaign is Kangaba.

Manden Divided

Mama Maghan, Mansa of Kangaba, campaigned against the Bamana in 1667 and attacked Segou. Segou, defended by Biton Kouloubali, successfully defended itself, and Mama Maghan was forced to withdraw to Kangaba. Either as a counter-attack or simply the progression of pre-planned assaults against the remnants of Mali, the Bamana sacked and burned Niani in 1670.