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This article explores the relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty and the mediators that exist between these constructs in the e-shopping environment that can be applied to other sectors. Apply your knowledge of brand loyalty and the process of cultivating brand loyalists to determine the impact on customer relationship management strategies.

Research Methodolog

Research Context

The research setting for this paper refers to online shopping services because more and more consumers tend to use this new e-commerce environment due to its unique benefits for marketers and consumers. This research aims to explore the mediating effects of four variables in the relation between e- satisfaction and e-loyalty. These four mediators are: trust, attitude, hedonic value, and utilitarian value.

The four models are based on a quantitative marketing research from primary sources. One of the most important contributions of a marketing research is to define the marketing research problem that requires the provision of marketing solutions. The problem definition for this conducted research is in regard to the better understanding of the mediating factors of satisfaction and loyalty in relation to online shopping services.

Measurement and Research Instrument

Six constructs were measured to form these four models. Constructs were measured using multiple- item scales, drawn from pre-validated measured in marketing research and reworded to reflect the context of online shopping. All these dimensions have been previously studied, providing a large pool of existing valid items to use. The participants indicated their agreement with a set of statements using five-point Likert scales (ranging from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree") drawn from previously validated instruments, as shown in Table 1.

The items that examined trust were adapted from Pavlou with a three-item scale. The scales for utilitarian value and hedonic value were previously used in Liu and Forsythe's study, and each construct was measured with a three-item scale. Attitude for online shopping consisted of five survey items, by extending the work of Hernández et al. Satisfaction was measured using scale items adapted from Bhattacherjee, Zeithaml et al. This scale captured respondents' satisfaction levels along five-point scales anchored between three semantic differential adjective pairs: dreadful / delighted, very dissatisfied / very satisfied, frustrated / contented. Loyalty was measured through five items adapted from Dick and Basu, Too et al., and Shankar et al. The psychometric properties of the measures are provided in Table 1.

Table 1. Constructs used in the model

Denotation Items
TRS TRS1: This Web retailer is trustworthy

TRS2: This Web retailer is one that keeps promises and commitments

TRS3: I trust this Web retailer because they keep my best interests in mind
Utilitarian value

UV UV1: I enjoy the convenience of shopping online.

UV2: I like the fact that you can easily compare different prices online.

UV3: I choose online shopping because of the large assortment of products available to me.
Hedonic value

HV HV1: To me, Internet shopping is very pleasant and fun.

HV2: I lose track of time when I shop online.

HV3: I get excited when I choose from products offered on Internet shopping websites.
Attitude for online shopping

AT AT1: Shopping online saves me time

AT2: The Internet is the best place to find bargains

AT3: The Internet is the best place to buy items that are hard to find

AT4: My general opinion of e-commerce is positive

AT5: Using the internet to make purchases is a good idea
SATIS SATIS1: My overall satisfaction (e.g. e-store environment, product, service) to online shopping is:
Dreadful ----- Delighted (5points)

SATIS2: When I consider my experience of online purchasing I am:
Very dissatisfied -----Very satisfied (5points)

SATIS3: In general, when I think of online shopping, I am:
Frustrated ----- Contented (5points)
 LOY LOY1: I would recommend online shopping on social media websites (blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and others)

LOY2: I am proud to tell my family and friends that I buy products online and from my usual e-store.

LOY3: For me, online shopping is the best alternative in my consideration.

LOY4: I buy online on a regular basis.

LOY5: The internet stimulates me to buy repeatedly.

Sample and Data Collection

The primary scope of this study is to examine the mediators that might have the highest impact on the satisfaction-loyalty relation in consumers' online shopping behavior. A web-based consumer survey was used for the data collection. From January to June 2013, an online survey was posted on various forums devoted to online shopping, and members we invited to support this survey. The study used primary data, namely data originated specifically to address the research problem.

The online survey generated 107 usable questionnaires. Table 2 presents the profile of the respondents, as well as the screening questions which show high levels of experience regarding the use of internet in general, and online shopping in particular.

Table 2. Respondents' profile

Male 38 35.5
Female 69 64.5
Total 107 100.0
Australia 7 6.5
Brazil 2 1.9
Denmark 3 2.8
France 3 2.8
Germany 7 6.5
Greece 1 .9
India 5 4.7
Poland 1 .9
Romania 21
Spain 7 6.5
UK 14 13.1
SA 36 .33.6
Total 107 100.0
74 69.0
21 19.6
Over 40s
6 5.6
Total 107 100.0
Experience with Internet
2 - 3 years 5 4.7
3 - 4 years 1 .9
4 - 5 years  4  3.7
5 - 6 years  11  10.3
Over 6 years  86  80.4
Total  107  100.0
Experience with
online shopping
I usually just search for information on e-commerce sites, but I never bought anything 2 1.9
I purchased just once from an web retailer
11 10.3
I purchased more than once from web retailers
94 87.9
Total 107 100.0
Frequency of online shopping in the last year
Once 16 15.0
2 or 3 times 17 15.9
4 or 5 times 31 29.0
6 or 7 times 16 15.0
7 or 8 times 8 7.5
More than 8 times 19 17.8
Total 107 100.0