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Big data analytics (BDA) is similar to machine-based learning or AI (artificial intelligence). BDA is only as accurate as the coded practice of collecting consumer behavior. This research proposes a novel method to apply the collection of BDA.. Using the research model found in figure 1 of this reading, identify how the research findings using the BDA predicts sales performance. Then compare this model to the two DBA collection theories: the resource-based view (RBV) versus dynamic capability theory for best practices.

Materials and Methods


This research used a structured questionnaire for data collection that was divided into two parts. The first part was about the respondents' demographic information, and the second part contained items of the variables. For content validity, the research adopted measures from prior studies of a similar context. Table 2 presents the items of the questionnaire and the sources of these items. Moreover, a seven-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree) was adopted to numerically measure the items because the seven-point Likert scale is one of the most widely used scales.

Table 2 Questionnaire items.

Variable and sources Items
Better customer services BCS1 "Use of BDA can useful to deal more strategically with internal and/or external customers".
BCS2 "Use of BDA can help to serve internal and/or external customers".
BCS3 "Use of BDA can help to improve the quality of customer service".
BCS4 "Use of BDA can help to serve customers more creatively".
BCS5 "Use of BDA can help to exchange information with internal and/or external customers".
Personalization PR1 "The BDA can help to tailor my services through personalized analytics".
PR2 "The BDA can help me to address the personal interests and preferences of customer by providing more relevant analyzed information".
PR3 "The BDA can provide me all types of information that customers like to know about products and services".
Advanced analytics AA1 "The analyzed information of BDA can create a competitive advantage".
AA2 "The analyzed information of BDA can enable quicker response to change as compared to a competitor".
AA3 "The analyzed information of BDA can help to enter new products/services and markets more quickly than our competitors".
Improved relation knowledge
IRK1 "Analyzed information of BDA can be very useful in terms of planning, organizing, and leading projects".
IRK2 "Analyzed information of BDA can be very useful in terms of planning and executing work in a collective environment".
IRK3 "Analyzed information of BDA can be very useful in terms of teaching others".
IRK4 "Analyzed information of BDA can be very useful to work closely with customers and maintain productive user/client relationships".
Customer interaction management capability
CIMC1 "BDA can be helpful to know the current needs and potential needs of the customer".
CIMC2 "BDA information good enough to create good relationships with key customers".
CIMC3 "BDA has the ability to assist regarding maintaining interactive two way communication with the customers".
CIMC4 "BDA can help the organizations to dialog with customers on continuous bases and provide good ways to improve the relationship with a customer".
CIMC5 "BDA information overall good enough to create and maintain a good relationship with the customer".
Customer relationship upgrading capabilities
CRUC1 "BDA frequently and systematically measure customer satisfaction".
CRUC2 "BDA provides formalized techniques for up selling to a key customer".
CRUC3 "BDA provides formalized techniques for cross-selling to a key customer".
CRUC4 "BDA extend the share of customers with key customers systematically".
Customer win-back capabilities CWBC1 "BDA has the assisting ability to compensate any loss and inconvenience with the customer timely".
CWBC2 "BDA has the systematic process of interacting with lost or inactive customers for reestablishing the relationship".
CWBC3 "BDA has the ability to generate the corrective action alerts immediately with the customer unhappy with the product and services".
"BDA can help to rebuild a good relationship with migrating or inactive customers".
CWBC4 "BDA has the assisting ability to compensate any loss and inconvenience with the customer timely".
Perceived sales performance PSP1 "The utilization of BDA will improve my closing rates".
PSP2 "Utilization of BDA enables me to analyze reasons for won and lost opportunities".
PSP3 "The utilization of BDA will improve my overall sales performance".

Pilot Test

Instrument validity is an important issue to be addressed before entering the data collection phase. Pretest and pilot test techniques were adopted to guarantee questionnaire validity. In the pretesting phase, a group of two full professors and three doctoral students with expertise on instrument development were consulted. The questionnaire items were discussed with the experts, and the proper wording, formation, appropriateness, and length of the items were ensured. After pretesting, 40 respondents were chosen from the selected sample size of the research. These respondents were not included in the main research analysis to avoid subsequent behavior. Table 3 presents the results of the pilot testing. The result shows that the loadings of the BCS ranged from 0.936 to 0.948, with a Cronbach's alpha score of 0.974. The factor loadings of personalization ranged from 0.817 to 0.875, with a Cronbach's alpha score of 0.958. The loading ranges for AA and IRK were 0.813–0.912 and 0.877–0.896, respectively, with Cronbach's alpha scores of 0.940 and 0.987, respectively. The loading ranges for CIMC, CRUC, and CWBC were 0.803–0.910, 0.776–0.943, and 0.804–0.945, respectively, and the Cronbach's alpha scores were 0.847, 0.944, and 0.950, respectively. The factor loadings of PSP ranged from 0.919 to 0.935, with a Cronbach's alpha score of 0.959. The values of the factor loadings and Cronbach's alpha for all the constructs exceeded the threshold point of 0.7, which ensured the validity of the instrument.

Table 3 Pilot testing results.

Sr. No Constructs Items Loadings Cronbach’s alpha
1 Better customer services BCS1 0.936 0.974
BCS2 0.939
BCS3 0.941
BCS4 0.946
BCS5 0.948
2 Personalization PR1 0.817 0.958
PR2 0.873
PR3 0.875
3 Advanced analytics AA1 0.910 0.940
AA2 0.912
AA3 0.813
4 Improved relational knowledge IRK1 0.892 0.987
IRK2 0.877
IRK3 0.896
IRK4 0.894
5 Customer interaction management capability CIMC1 0.803 0.947
CIMC2 0.864
CIMC3 0.910
CIMC4 0.814
CIMC5 0.787
6 Customer relationship upgrading capability CRUC1 0.897 0.944
CRUC2 0.891
CRUC3 0.943
CRUC4 0.766
7 Customer win-back capability CWBC1 0.932 0.950
CWBC2 0.946
CWBC3 0.804
CWBC4 0.918
8 Perceived sales performance PSP1 0.935 0.959
PSP2 0.919
PSP3 0.933

Sampling and Data Collection

The pharmaceutical organizations of Pakistan were selected as the population for this study, and the survey method was adopted for data collection from the targeted sample to test the research model. The survey method is suitable for analyzing the behavioral relationship among variables. The contact data of the pharmaceutical organizations were obtained from the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, a regulatory body that controls the pharmaceutical organizations of Pakistan. The convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample size as it is suitable for cases in which the availability of respondents varies. First, the human resource departments (HRDs) of the pharmaceutical organizations were contacted and provided with the purpose and brief introduction of the research, as well as an assurance that the data collected from the employees would only be used for research purposes and that the research findings would be shared with them. After securing permission and with the help of the HRDs, data were collected through an online survey from the employees of sales and marketing departments linked with the usage of different sales management systems. An online survey is suitable because of consistent data collection. The G∗Power software was used to predict the suitable sample size as it can ensure sample adequacy before and after data collection. The required sample size was 262 at "A priori: Compute the required sample size". Therefore, 750 questionnaires were distributed, and 441 of them were returned with responses. A total of 416 valid responses were selected for final analyses after discarding biased responses. Meanwhile, "Post hoc: Compute achieved power" was applied to the collected sample size of 416, and the power was determined to be 0.995, indicating the adequate strength of the study sample.