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In this activity, you will answer questions about a story by reading and identifying important details.

All Together Now: BC Festivals

In places across British Columbia, people come together for festivals that celebrate the things that make their hometown special. 

An Underwater Festival


Vancouver Island - Pacific Rim National Park – Wickaninnish Beach © Kyle Duhamel is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license

Every year, about 20,000 grey whales swim past the west coast of Vancouver Island. The whales travel from Mexico to the Arctic and back again. The whole trip is about 16,000 kilometers. This is one of the longest yearly journeys of any mammal. Each March, the people who live around the Pacific Rim National Park hold a festival to celebrate the whales' journey. The festival is known as the Pacific Rim Whale Festival. The whales travel very close to the shore as they swim north. This allows people to gather together to watch them from land and from boats. 

An Unusual Festival


Nanaimo Race - Bathtub Race © Moosealope is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license

On the east coast of Vancouver Island, you can spot mammals of a different sort moving through the water – people in bathtub boats! The city of Nanaimo is home to the world's oldest and best-known bathtub boat race. It started out as a silly event in 1967. Today, Nanaimo's World Championship Bathtub Race is a serious sport that brings racers and visitors from around the world.

An On Water Festival


Vancouver Race - Dragon Boat Festival © Ruth Hartnup is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license

Vancouver is home to another famous festival on the water – the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon1 boat racing started in China over 2,000 years ago. It was brought to Vancouver during Expo 86. It returned as a yearly event in 1989 as a way to celebrate the many cultures living together in the city. The festival begins with a ceremony to awaken2 the dragon and give the people and boats the dragon's strength. Each boat has a dragon's head carved3 on the front and a tail on the back. The boat holds a team of about 20 people, who paddle to the beat of a drummer seated at the front.

A Seasonal Festival


Winter in Vernon - Sunrise at Silver Star, Vernon, BC © David Truss is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license

One of Canada's largest winter festivals takes place in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. It's the Vernon Winter Carnival, which is held each February. Some of the major events include a BC snow sculpture contest, sports using giant hot air balloons, and a parade. During the carnival, people can have a friend, co-worker, or boss arrested by carnival cops who then throw them in "jail" until they raise enough money for bail4. All money raised goes to support the carnival.

The festivals of British Columbia are a way for the many people who live here to enjoy nature, share a laugh, and learn about one another.


1 dragon: a big, scary, imaginary animal similar to a lizard with a long tail, wings, and fire coming from its mouth

2 awaken: stop sleeping

3 carved: cut material such as wood or stone to shape something

4 bail: money paid to a law court by someone arrested to be out of prison until the trial



Text adapted from Shantel Ivits, https://opentextbc.ca/abealfreader3/chapter/all-together-now-bc-festivals/
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Questions from Shantel Ivits and Saylor Academy,  https://opentextbc.ca/abealf3/
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Last modified: Thursday, July 11, 2024, 1:04 PM