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This tip sheet includes a helpful summary of practical strategies you can use when you give your next presentation. Take a minute to review the tips, and keep this graphic handy for future reference.

If you get anxious before public speaking you're not alone! Here are somethings you can do to calm your nerves before and during a presentation.

Before your presentation

  1. Rehearse: The more prepared you feel, the less nervous you'll be! Practice your speech until you can complete it within the allotted time without reading from your notes. Get feedback from a friend, if you can.

  2. Visualize: As you work through your rehearsals, visualize yourself going through each step of the presentation. Imagine what the room will be like with an audience, and picture yourself giving the presentation successfully.

  3. Exercise lightly: Light exercise, like going for a brisk walk or doing yoga, will release serotonin, the happy hormone, into your body, making you feel more positive about the upcoming speech.

  4. Fuel your body: Caffeine and sugar can make you jittery, and there is an inevitable 'crash' later. So, avoid these, and instead eat a light and healthy meal a couple of hours before your speech.

  5. Problem scenarios: It may seek counterproductive, but thinking about might go wrong and - coming up with a strategy to deal - is a big help. If you are ready to handle problems, you'll be much calmer if they do arise.

Remember: The audience wants you to succeed.

During your presentation

  1. Think differently: Anxiety and excitement both result in 'butterflies', and increase hear rate. It's all about the way you think about these cues. Think of them as signals of excitement to use this burst of energy in a positive way.

  2. Breathe: Many of us speak quickly when we're nervous. Bring a bottle of water with you to remind you to pause and breathe. Taking a few slow, deep breaths before you take the stage will help to calm you.

Source: JR Dingwall, Chuck Labrie, TK McLennon, and Laura Underwood, https://collection.bccampus.ca/textbooks/professional-communications-oer-module-3-presentations-campus-alberta-294/
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Last modified: Sunday, June 2, 2024, 5:24 AM