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In a capitalist economy with scarce resources, the market allows us to trade the resources needed for production and the goods and services produced. The price system determines this trading or exchange. We will analyze how the market works in Unit 2. For now, think of prices as an incentive that drives the behavior of consumers and firms. For example, how would you react to an increase in the price of butter?

An increase in the price of butter is probably not a big deal. You can easily replace it with other products or consume less butter. Because your decisions are rational, many other consumers will make a similar decision. This rational behavior will impact the markets of butter, margarine, and cooking oils. However, these changes will probably not affect the national economy.

The differences between individual market behavior and the national economy exemplify why we study micro and macroeconomics. Read this text on the difference between microeconomics, which focuses on individuals, households, workers, and businesses, and macroeconomics, which studies the economy as a whole.

Microeconomics studies exchanges among individual consumers and firms in the market to purchase goods and services. In contrast, macroeconomics focuses on exchanges across all of the markets within a country. We consider the interrelated actions of consumers, businesses, government agencies, financial intermediaries, and global trading partners as they exchange resources, goods, and services and facilitate currency and quantity flows. Microeconomics examines how to achieve profit maximization. Macroeconomics explores how to achieve overall economic stability and growth nationally.

Economics is concerned with the well-being of all people, including those with jobs and those without jobs, as well as those with high incomes and those with low incomes. Economics acknowledges that the production of useful goods and services can create problems of environmental pollution. It explores the question of how investing in education helps to develop workers’ skills. It probes questions like how to tell when big businesses or big labor unions are operating in a way that benefits society as a whole and when they are operating in a way that benefits their owners or members at the expense of others. It looks at how government spending, taxes, and regulations affect decisions about production and consumption.

It should be clear by now that economics covers considerable ground. We can divide that ground into two parts: Microeconomics focuses on the actions of individual agents within the economy, like households, workers, and businesses. Macroeconomics looks at the economy as a whole. It focuses on broad issues such as the growth of production, the number of unemployed people, the inflationary increase in prices, government deficits, and levels of exports and imports. Microeconomics and macroeconomics are not separate subjects but rather complementary perspectives on the overall subject of the economy.

To understand why both microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives are useful, consider the problem of studying a biological ecosystem like a lake. One person who sets out to study the lake might focus on specific topics: certain kinds of algae or plant life, the characteristics of particular fish or snails, or the trees surrounding the lake. Another person might take an overall view and instead consider the lake's ecosystem from top to bottom, what eats what, how the system stays in a rough balance, and what environmental stresses affect this balance. Both approaches are useful, and both examine the same lake, but the viewpoints are different. In a similar way, both microeconomics and macroeconomics study the same economy, but each has a different viewpoint.

Whether you are scrutinizing lakes or economics, the micro and the macro insights should blend with each other. In studying a lake, the micro insights about particular plants and animals help to understand the overall food chain, while the macro insights about the overall food chain help to explain the environment in which individual plants and animals live.

In economics, the microdecisions of individual businesses are influenced by whether the macro economy is healthy. For example, firms will be more likely to hire workers if the overall economy is growing. In turn, the macroeconomy's performance ultimately depends on the microeconomic decisions that individual households and businesses make.


What determines how households and individuals spend their budgets? What combination of goods and services will best fit their needs and wants, given the budget they have to spend? How do people decide whether to work and if so, whether to work full-time or part-time? How do people decide how much to save for the future or whether they should borrow to spend beyond their current means?

What determines the products, and how many of each a firm will produce and sell? What determines the prices a firm will charge? What determines how a firm will produce its products? What determines how many workers it will hire? How will a firm finance its business? When will a firm decide to expand, downsize, or even close? In the microeconomics part of this book, we will learn about the theory of consumer behavior, the theory of the firm, how markets for labor and other resources work, and how markets sometimes fail to work properly.


What determines the level of economic activity in a society? In other words, what determines how many goods and services a nation actually produces? What determines how many jobs are available in an economy? What determines a nation’s standard of living? What causes the economy to speed up or slow down? What causes firms to hire more workers or to lay them off? Finally, what causes the economy to grow over the long term?

We can determine an economy's macroeconomic health by examining a number of goals: growth in the standard of living, low unemployment, and low inflation, to name the most important. How can we use government macroeconomic policy to pursue these goals? A nation's central bank conducts monetary policy, which involves policies that affect bank lending, interest rates, and financial capital markets. For the United States, this is the Federal Reserve. A nation's legislative body determines fiscal policy, which involves government spending and taxes. For the United States, this is the Congress and the executive branch, which originates the federal budget. These are the government's main tools. Americans tend to expect that the government can fix whatever economic problems we encounter, but to what extent is that expectation realistic? These are just some of the issues that we will explore in the macroeconomic chapters of this book.

Source: OpenStax, https://openstax.org/books/principles-microeconomics-3e/pages/1-2-microeconomics-and-macroeconomics
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Last modified: Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 1:04 PM